Environmental permit and soil testing

When granting an environmental permit (building activity), the municipality assesses whether the environmental health quality of the soil is good enough to construct a structure.

The assessment of whether a soil investigation is necessary for a structure depends, among other things, on whether the structure is ground-level and involves an accommodation for persons. Existing soil surveys on the construction site and the soil quality map are also considered. As to whether or not a soil survey is necessary as part of the building application, you can obtain advice from the municipality prior to the application by calling 14 079 or using the contact form.

Contact form

A soil survey may also be necessary when you apply for an environmental permit to start or change a business (environmental activity). If you perform a potentially soil threatening activity at your company, the Haaglanden Environment Service may require you to have a Baseline Soil Survey performed prior to the start of your company. This Baseline Soil Survey serves as a reference framework for assessing whether a company has caused soil contamination upon termination of its business activities. To this end, a so-called Final Situation Soil Survey must be conducted upon termination of business activities.