Environment permit for felling trees

Are you inconvenienced by a tree and want the municipality to remove it? If research shows that the tree needs to be cut down, an application for an environmental permit is almost always required. In some cases, this also applies if you want to remove a tree on your own property.

Environmental Permits

In most cases, the municipality must apply for an environmental permit if a tree in a public space needs to be cut down due to, for example, illness, severe shade nuisance or road or construction project construction.

When may the municipality cut trees without a permit

In the following situations, the municipality does not require a permit:

  • Emergency logging, the tree is an immediate hazard to the surrounding area.
  • Or if the cross-section of the trunk is less than 10 cm. measured at 1.30 meters in height.
  • Or if the tree is dead.

If the felling request is made, local residents will receive a letter from the municipality about this request and the reason for the felling. Where possible, these trees are replaced with other trees. If replacement is not possible at the site itself (for example, because there are cables and pipes in the ground), the municipality will look for another place in the neighborhood. Neighbors will receive a letter after the felling with information about the planting of new trees.

Cut down own tree

If you are bothered by a tree on your own property, in certain cases you must also submit a felling request.

Tree felling

Map of logging applications

You can follow the application for the environmental permit on www.officiële bekendmakingen.nl or via the app Omgevingsalert. Here you can read how interested parties can possibly object to the felling of the tree.

Map of logging applications

Public notices