
Without you realizing it, undermining crime can take place. Also in Zoetermeer. Examples include drug production and drug trafficking, healthcare fraud, money laundering, real estate fraud, human trafficking and labor exploitation. We call these forms of crime "undermining" (because it disrupts and undermines our society). 

When subversive crime takes place in your area, it is not without danger. Consider, for example, explosion or fire hazards when drugs are made or violence is used. In addition, money laundering creates unfair competition. Entrepreneurs of integrity suffer greatly from this.

How do you recognize undermining?

There are many signs by which you can recognize subversion. Here are some examples:

  • You never see customers at a store where you would expect to see them.
  • You see many people walking off and on in a place where you don't expect it, such as at a residential home.
  • You see strange business activities at strange times.
  • You see strange renovations at strange times.
  • You see a building with taped windows.
  • You smell a strange, chemical odor around a property.

There are many more signs! The list of examples is far from complete. Want to know what other signals there are? Then watch the video below and the signals booklet. You will get an explanation of the signals and how they can lead to undermining crime. 

Video > Recognizing subversion

Signals booklet RIEC The Hague

Report signals

Together with police, justice and other security partners, we are fighting undermining. You can help us in this. How? By not looking away, but reporting.

Results tackling Undermining

View the results of addressing undermining at: 

Dashboard Undermining

What can you do?

Do you recognize signs of undermining crime or don't trust a situation? If so, you can report it. 


At the congregation:

Reporting Undermining

You can also fill out the form anonymously.

At Report Crime Anonymous:

Report Crime Anonymously | Online Reporting

See also: 

Video Report Crime Anonymously

By email

Send email to: ondermijning@zoetermeer.nl.

By phone

Call 0800-7000 (Report Crime Anonymous).

How long will it take?

As soon as we receive your report, we will begin investigating the signs. We do this together with other safety partners in the city such as the police and team Enforcement. There is no fixed deadline for dealing with your report. This depends on the type of signal and the investigation that needs to be done.

If you do not report anonymously, we will let you know when the report has been handled. If you report anonymously, we will not be able to inform you further.


Do you have questions about undermining? If so, please email ondermijning@zoetermeer.nl or call 14 079 (Please note this is not anonymous).