On Architecture Day, we celebrated open space of 'the Hole'

You would think that the focus of the Architecture Day on June 15 would be on stately, special buildings in Zoetermeer. Instead, on this day the message was to leave space open in the city center. For activities, for greenery. The 'Hole in the Market' is such an undeveloped spot in the city center that is open to countless possibilities.

You know the Hole in the Market, right? It's that, partially walled, clearing next to City Hall with tree trunks as benches on which you can sit with your "hole. There is a table tennis table, chess table, climbing wall and bicycle cross track. Otherwise, the little park (or is it a plaza?) is empty. The space cries out, "Come do something fun!

To set an example, there were things organized at the Hole in the Market on Architecture Day. For example, there was a "No Art" painting project where local residents pampered the walls with paint. The Hole immediately looked a lot hipper and cozier because of the graffiti drawings. Children could play with the outdoor games of Spel & Meer and those who were hungry could feast on a delicious scone at Piet Hekker's scone factory wagon.

At the end of the day, everyone packed up their belongings again and went home. The Hole was left tired but satisfied, hoping for much more fun in the future.