'Managing together what is needed'

The municipality arranges, manages and maintains public spaces: the streets, greenery, water, lampposts, playgrounds, benches and trash cans. Everything must be sufficiently safe, accessible, healthy and sustainable. This is how we keep our city attractive and livable. But we don't do it alone. We work together with the residents, entrepreneurs and visitors of Zoetermeer. We listen to your wishes and ideas through surveys, meetings and reports. That way we know what is going on in the city and what could be improved.

Public Space Maintenance Memorandum 2023-2026

The Maintenance Memorandum states what we want to achieve, how we will do it and what it will cost. Developments such as an aging population, climate change and urban expansion will affect management. Together we ensure that Zoetermeer remains a pleasant place to live, work and recreate in the future. There are three levels: A-high, B-basic and C-low. The level determined by the city council is basic for (shopping) centers and business parks and low for main infrastructure, recreational areas and residential areas. We give a quality boost to areas that need it.

Zoetermeer measurement methodology and image measurement bars maintenance level

The Zoetermeer measuring methodology ( pdf) describes how we monitor the visual quality of greenery, street furniture, paving and grooming every quarter. Using photos and technical standards from the CROW quality catalog, we measure the various maintenance levels for all parts of the public space.

Public Space Handbook

Are you a contractor, property developer, architect and do you have plans that involve public space in the city? Then you will find here the Public Space Handbook of the municipality of Zoetermeer. It contains the various design requirements as well as technical requirements. These ensure that for example streets, squares, lampposts and trash garbage cans in the city, have a good quality.

Public green space issuance policy

The Municipality of Zoetermeer has an active issuance policy in the area of public green space. The rules of the game are described in the public green space issuance policy.

According to the Green Map, the public green space of the municipality of Zoetermeer is divided into four different levels: regional, urban, district and neighborhood green space. Only neighborhood green space can be considered for issuance, as it is primarily significant to those living in the immediate vicinity. Therefore, only requests pertaining to neighborhood green space are assessed against the issuance criteria of public green space (grounds for assessment of the snippet green space policy). What level (type) of green space there is in your neighborhood can be seen on the map Green types.

Giving space! Play Space Note 2016-2026

This paper was developed through close consultation with various stakeholders. Most important were the elementary school children who went around their neighborhood and filled out surveys about play space. Young people and residents were also asked about their experiences with play space in Zoetermeer.

Public lighting

The public lighting policy plan below is dated. The policy is currently being updated. Sustainability (as many LEDs as possible) and energy conservation are priorities.


Water plays an important role in the future of Zoetermeer. Due to climate change and urbanization, water and sewer management is a major task. Together with the parties involved, we are reducing the chance of flooding and ensuring proper drainage of wastewater and rainwater. This contributes to the attractiveness of the city. The Nota Riolering describes how we carry out the municipal water tasks.


Cemeteries are an important part of our public space. The level of maintenance of roads and landscaping in cemeteries is of higher quality than in recreational areas. 

For the issuance of grave rights, we follow specific rules described in the 'Management Ordinance Municipal Cemeteries Zoetermeer' and the 'Implementation Decree Municipal Cemeteries Zoetermeer'. Every year we set the new rates in accordance with the 'Ordinance on the levying and collection of body care fees'. For more information:

Rates and regulations cemeteries

Nature Protection

To strengthen the species diversity of plants and animals in Zoetermeer, we adapt our work accordingly. We carry out our work within the Nature Conservation Act. The municipality also protects special species for Zoetermeer. These special species are listed in the field guide to protected plants and animals of Zoetermeer.

On Jan. 1, 2017, the Flora and Fauna Act was replaced by the new Nature Protection Act (Wnb).

The "Code of Conduct for Species Protection Municipalities" helps us work in accordance with the Nature Protection Act and act with demonstrable care.