Cemetery Binnenweg

Cemetery Binnenweg is the oldest of the 2 cemeteries. It has been in use since 1956. Many OldZoetermeerders and people of faith lie here. It is sober and quiet. Only private graves are available. Here you will also find graves that were issued indefinitely in the past. This is no longer possible. There are also existing general children's graves, whose right of use can be renewed.

Hoflaan Cemetery

Hoflaan Cemetery (1979) at 1 Buytenpark Avenue is the largest cemetery. Here, in addition to private (private) graves, there are general graves, urn graves, an urn wall, an ash scattering bowl and a scattering field. Hoflaan cemetery expanded considerably in 2018. The Meerbloemhof crematorium (owned by Monuta) is located near this cemetery.

Opening hours

  • April 1 to October 1 open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • October 1 to April 1 open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.