Overview of members of the Objections Committee and their daily activities

Version February 1, 2024

Name and functionDaily operations
Mr. mr. L.B. Smits (chairman)Cassation lawyer at the Ministry of Finance
Ms. I.A. Groenendijk (vice chairman)Prosecutor at the Amsterdam District Attorney's Office
Ms. S.J.L. Crombach (member)Legislative lawyer at the Department of Justice and Security
Ms. B.G. Laarhoven (member)Jurist (State official) at the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State
Mr. mr. A. Koudadi (member)Policy officer at the Ministry of Justice and Security (Directorate-General for Undermining)
Mr. G.J. Broekhuis (member)Senior legal advisor at the Business Expertise Center (BEC)-Municipality of The Hague
Mr. mr. L.R.M. Brouwer (member)Legislative lawyer at the Department of Justice and Security
Ms. mr. drs. I. Helmich (member)Trainee judge at Central Netherlands District Court
Mr. S.J.C. Hocks (member)Senior legal advisor at Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling (DSO) - municipality of The Hague