Perspective Note 2024

The Perspective Memorandum 2024 outlines a policy perspective and the financial picture for 2024 and the following years. For the short term, the municipality's financial position is positive. As of 2026, there is a deficit. This gives us room in 2024 and 2025 to invest, anticipate and further implement the coalition agreement. However, in all expenditures we make, we must remain aware of their impact on our multi-year structural budget. Responsible financial policy combined with investing in a future-proof city is the starting point in this Perspective Memorandum. Our ambition remains to make Zoetermeer an attractive city. A city in which everyone can participate, in which everyone feels safe and everyone can live comfortably. And also a city with a green, attractive living environment with sports and cultural facilities that everyone can enjoy. We are taking care of this with the Zoetermeer 2040 vision. Based on this vision, we will develop our plans and ambitions. Together, we will do what is necessary to achieve our desired vision of the future.

Also available through Budget Portal Zoetermeer.

Household book of Zoetermeer

In the film "The household accounts of the municipality of Zoetermeer," we explain the connection between the college program, perspective memorandum, budget, annual report and financial statements.