Perspective Note 2025

The Perspective Memorandum 2025 outlines a policy perspective and the financial picture for 2025 and the following years. As of 2026 there is a financial shortfall due to the absence of (additional) structural financial state contributions. This is also called the "financial ravine year. All Dutch municipalities have to deal with this. This forces the board to take austerity measures and is disappointing and frustrating for everyone. At the same time, the board feels the dire need to remain a financially healthy municipality with a balanced budget. Taking this responsibility befits a reliable town government. This means that decisions, no matter how painful, must be made. This must be well prepared. No cuts are yet proposed for 2025. Furthermore, we in Zoetermeer will continue to do what is necessary to be the Zoetermeer that suits our residents and entrepreneurs in 2040.

The Perspective Note 2025 is available through a digital portal:

Household book of Zoetermeer

In the film "The household accounts of the municipality of Zoetermeer," we explain the connection between the college program, perspective memorandum, budget, annual report and financial statements.