Paper collection problems
The emptying of paper containers is not going well everywhere. Last weekend there were problems again and the result was that a lot of paper and cardboard was placed next to the containers. This is not the intention, as this creates a lot of litter in our city.
A new organization has been responsible for paper and cardboard collection since Oct. 1, 2024. The municipality has talked to the contractor about the full containers and they are taking additional steps to solve the problems. For example, by deploying an additional truck for garbage collection. The municipality continues to monitor the situation and is taking some additional measures.
Additional paper containers have been placed in 9 locations. These containers are temporary. You will find the large white containers at Houtsingel, Olof Palmelaan, Hugo de Grootlaan, Spruitkoolakker, Oostweg, Johanna van Cuilenburgstraat, Oosterschelde, Schansbaan and Zijdewerf. There is no intention to dump commercial waste here.
A trial has begun with a modified opening of the container. It is being tested to see if this will cause less cardboard to get stuck. If this works, this type of opening will be used on all containers. The effect of the trial will be known at the end of February.
In addition, stickers are being designed to urge residents to make cardboard smaller. This is because if we all do this, more will fit in the containers. You can also hand in paper and cardboard at the Self-Delivery Depot. The depot is open Monday through Saturday and until 7:45 p.m. on Friday evenings.
The waste policy plan that is currently being drafted will include options for more space for paper collection. With this, we hope to solve the problems.