Process minutes censuses European Parliament election 2024

Here are the results of the European Parliament election. There was a decentralized count in our municipality. This means that the votes were counted at the polling station on Thursday evening. The next day, these results were checked by the municipal polling station (GSB). If there is reason, a polling station is counted again and the results adjusted. Then the results are calculated for the entire municipality. For those polling stations where the results have been adjusted, an additional document has been published. In these documents, you will only see the figures changed during the first session of the GSB. To see the new results, you must view both the original results and the adjustments.

Do you see an error in the results of a polling station or in the results of the entire municipality? Please report this to the Central Electoral Bureau before Monday, June 17, 11:00 a.m. via the Electoral Council website. Then the error can be investigated.

The polling station minutes with any corrigenda