Disaster or crisis
In the event of a disaster in your area, you want to know what is going on and what to do.
Haaglanden Safety Region
The municipality of Zoetermeer cooperates with 8 municipalities in the Haaglanden Safety Region (VRH). They work together to prevent and combat accidents, disasters and crisis situations. They do this by organizing training and exercises, among other things.
Regional crisis plan
Our safety region has adopted a Haaglanden Regional Crisis Plan. This plan describes the risks in the region and how disaster and crisis management is organized and how the region tries to prevent disasters and crises. You can read more information in the regional crisis plan (pdf).
NL-Alert phone message
If there is an emergency in your area, you will be notified via an NL-Alert on your cell phone. Upon receiving this message, your phone will sound a loud alarm. In the received message you can read what is going on and what you can best do at that moment. Every six months the government sends out a control message throughout the Netherlands. Click on NL-Alert for more information.
Warning and alert sirens
Every first Monday of the month, the sirens go off in the Netherlands. A nationwide warning and alert system is then tested at noon to verify that the equipment is working properly and to ensure that everyone recognizes the siren in the event of a disaster. No testing is conducted on religious and national holidays. Did you not hear the siren? If so, please report it using the form at www.brandweer.nl | Sirens.
Does the siren go off at a different time?
Does the siren sound at any other time? Then go inside, close windows and doors and turn on radio or TV to the regional disaster station Omroep West.
Via Omroep West and WOS you will receive official government information via radio and/or television in the event of a (major) incident. Therefore, make sure you can find these stations on radio and television.
Crisis.nl website
In very serious incidents, the municipality or security region may decide to use the crisis.nl website. This website is then used for sharing important news, information or announcements.
Haaglandenveilig.nl website
The Haaglandenveilig.nl website provides information about risks in the Haaglanden region. Think of flooding, fire or the release of hazardous substances. Per risk is described what you should do and how you can best help your neighbours if necessary. You can also read how you can possibly prevent fire or other incidents in your own home and surroundings.
CO2 line
Through Zoetermeer (Oosterheem and along Rokkeveen) runs a pipeline that goes from Rotterdam to Amsterdam. The pipeline is used to transportCO2 (carbon dioxide). The pipeline is filled withCO2 and this gas is used by greenhouse horticulture in the provinces of North and South Holland.
Government measures in the event of a nuclear accident
The probability of a radiation incident in the Netherlands is very low. Nuclear plants are very safe and meet strict requirements. If there is an incident at a nuclear reactor in the Netherlands, the government takes measures. The extent of these measures varies depending on the situation.
A nuclear accident can release radioactive substances that spread through the air. One such substance is radioactive iodine. Radioactive iodine can enter the body through inhalation and be absorbed by the thyroid gland. In the long term this can cause thyroid cancer in young people. By taking iodine tablets at the right time, the thyroid gland becomes saturated with iodine. The thyroid gland then absorbs less radioactive iodine, reducing the chances of developing thyroid cancer.
Distribution of iodine tablets
Children up to 18 who live in the Haaglanden region received a box of iodine tablets in the mail in October 2017.
The government advises pregnant women of all ages in our region, to also have iodine tablets. With these, you can protect your unborn child. Are you pregnant? Then you can buy the iodine tablets at pharmacies and drug stores.
Central government - Iodine tablets
All information on the distribution, availability and action of these iodine tablets can be found at:
Do you have any questions?
You can also call 14 079.
Municipality of Zoetermeer
Team Safe, Department of Safety, Licensing and Enforcement.
P.O. Box 15
2700 AA Zoetermeer