Service standards
What can you expect from us?
We are always doing our best to improve our service. We have established service standards that clearly indicate what you can expect from us. You may hold us accountable when we fail to deliver on our promises.
I. Contact channels
Website/online services
- The information on the website is accurate, current and understandable.
- We will handle a question or comment about the website within 5 business days.
- What you need to do to request a product is clearly explained on the website.
- Our website is accessible to visitors who are blind/deaf or visually impaired.
- Our website is accessible on various devices such as smartphones and tablets and through the most commonly used browsers.
- You can see things you have requested with your DigiD 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in 'MijnZoetermeer'.
- If the website becomes unavailable or inaccessible due to technical maintenance, we will give timely notice on the website.
Social media
- Through Facebook and WhatsApp, you can post your question or comment 24/7.
- You will receive a response to a question within one business day: this may be a substantive response or a message stating when you can expect a response.
Contact form
- You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 1 business day if you use the contact form.
- You will receive a substantive response within 5 business days if you use the contact form.
- If your question still cannot be answered within 5 business days we will indicate:
- Why substantive response is not possible within 5 working days
- That responses will be made within 6 weeks
- the name of the handling official or department
- If you call us at 14 079 you will get to speak to one of our staff members within 3 minutes.
- We are friendly and professional and listen to your question. We answer most of your questions immediately without connecting you.
- For specialized questions, we will connect you with the appropriate staff member. If this employee cannot be reached, we will ensure that you are called back within 5 working days (unless something else has been agreed).
- Would you like to make an appointment for one of the public counters? Then you can make an appointment within 2 weeks.
- Do you have an appointment for one of the public counters? If so, you will be helped within 10 minutes of your appointment time.
- You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 5 business days in which we indicate the handling official or department.
- We answer your letter in substance within 6 weeks of receipt (this concerns only general questions).
- If you object to a decision, other statutory deadlines apply.
- If the treatment takes more time we will keep you informed of the status and the turnaround time required.
II. Reports
Reports living environment (public space)
- About an online or telephone report, with no immediate danger to the environment, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 1 business day.
- You will be notified within 14 calendar days that your notification has been handled. If the handling is not successful, you will also receive a message within 14 calendar days about what will happen to your report.
- A public space question will be handled within 7 calendar days.
- A report about a defect in public lighting is handled within 8 weeks.
III. Complaints
Approachability complaints
- If you are not satisfied with the way you were spoken to or helped by one of our employees, you may file a complaint in writing to the municipality.
- We clearly state on the website how and where you can file a complaint.
- You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 5 business days.
- If you note your phone number on the form, the complaint handler will contact you by phone to discuss your complaint and the resolution of your complaint.
- Your complaint will be handled substantively within 6 weeks.
- The municipality has the option to adjourn your complaint for 4 weeks and will notify you accordingly.
IV. Some frequently requested permits
Alcohol permit
- Within 8 weeks of submitting your alcohol license application, we will make a decision.
- If the processing takes more time we will keep you informed of the status and turnaround time required.
Environmental Permit
- Within 8 weeks of submitting your application for an environmental permit, we will make a decision.
- If the extended procedure applies, we will keep you informed of the status of the case and the lead time required.
Event permit
- We will make a decision within 8 weeks of your event permit application.
- If the processing takes more time we will keep you informed of the status and turnaround time required.