Social Hub for young people in Meerzicht

A Social Hub in Meerzicht. How then? That's exactly what neighborhood councilwoman Véronique Frinking wants to talk to young people in Meerzicht about. Social Hubs are meeting places for young people where they can relax, stay or work together on projects. After Tilburg and Amsterdam, the government has also given Zoetermeer the opportunity to set up a Social Hub.

Councilman Frinking envisions a location where young people from Meerzicht can spend their free time and engage in activities on their own, or with local partners, in a low-threshold manner: "It should become a place where young people find a third home, in addition to their home with family and friends."

In a memo to the City Council, the college writes that partners and professionals from various disciplines are welcome to learn from young people what really works by allowing young people to take on different roles in the Social Hub. The Social Hub project starts with the search for a location. In collaboration with local organizations, the Zoetermeer municipality wants to talk with young people about the design of the Social Hub, the name and the range of activities.

During the talks, Alderman Frinking particularly wants to listen to what young people think is important for their future and what wishes they have: "We will record the information gathered and then elaborate on it. It would be nice if along the way we also meet young people who want to commit to the Social Hub for the long term. That way, we are constantly in conversation with young people and can make improvements where necessary."

The Social Hub project is still in the starting blocks. The idea is that by the fall of 2024 more will be known about the location to be put into operation.