Social Gym launched in Zoetermeer

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 from 10:00-11:00 am is the official kick-off of the Social Sports School in Zoetermeer. Starting location is Palet Welzijn location Oosterheem, Zanzibarplein 5, 2721 GE Zoetermeer. The Social Sports School brings seniors and young athletes together in bootcamps.

The exercises are physically challenging for the young athletes. They are encouraged and supported by the older ones who simultaneously do their own light exercises according to their ability. The Sociale Sportschool bootcamps in Zoetermeer come about in cooperation with local partners. The elderly participate through welfare organization Palet Welzijn from inZet, the young athletes are students of the MOTION Beweeg College and the training sessions are provided by Parkour Disciplines.

Local Cooperation

The Social Sports School fits very well into the colorful palette of activities offered by Palet Welzijn from inZet to participate in society under one's own steam. At the MOTION Beweeg College, movement and moving learning form the basis around which education is organized. With a moving learning methodology, everything is set in motion: the body, social skills, self-confidence and, of course, learning outcomes. The third local partner Parkour Disciplines specializes in indoor and outdoor free running with 2 locations in Zoetermeer, the Gymworld Freerun Academy and the Roots Academy. To this offer they now add the Sociale Sportschool bootcamps which will take place outdoors as much as possible.

The Social Sports School bootcamps are on Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. on Sept. 11 and 25 and on Oct. 9 and 23 from location Oosterheem. On Thursdays, the bootcamps are from 3 p.m.-4 p.m. on Sept. 12 and 26 and on Oct. 10 and 24 from location Gondelkade. And finally on Fridays from 11:30-12:30 a.m. on September 13 and 27 and on October 11 and 25 from location Albrandswaard. A new series will follow in 2025. Seniors wishing to participate can sign up through care organization Palet Welzijn: or 06-28739296. The Social Sports School is supported by the municipality of Zoetermeer within the framework of the "Sports Agreement" and "Integral work on a healthy city.

Laughter muscles are also trained

The Social Gym is a nationwide platform. Besides Zoetermeer, bootcamps are also taking place in Eindhoven and Utrecht, among other places. The idea for the bootcamps was conceived by social designers Sjaak Langenberg & Rosé de Beer. Seniors get outside again, are part of a social activity with young people and therefore visibly revive. The connection creates fun. The laughing muscles are also trained. The exercises are physically challenging for young athletes. You combine a serious work-out with a nice social activity for seniors. In the same time you work on your fitness, you also make a social contribution. Feel good guaranteed. Caregivers and grandchildren are also welcome. They can go on boot camp with mom or dad, grandma or grandpa.

The activity is suitable for all seniors regardless of age or physical condition. Are you dependent on a wheelchair or walker? No problem. The light exercises are designed so that everyone can participate at their own level. Participating for fun and encouraging the young athletes is also allowed!

Photo: Ben Nienhuis

Source: inZet