Pitch applications

Do you want to sell items or food from a stall or sales truck? Then you need a permit for a stand. This permit allows you to stand in certain places with your stall or sales truck. Please note! The municipality does not supply electricity (point).

For a non-commercial pitch, you must file a notification.

Types of pitches

There are 4 types of pitches:

Permanent pitch (permit)

  • A fixed spot for the whole year (maximum 5 years) for a fixed number of days per week (maximum 3 days per spot with the exception of the City Center).
  • Always check the map of pitches first to see which pitches are available.
  • Then under "Apply," complete the interest form.

Seasonal pitch (permit)

  • A temporary place for seasonal products.
  • A permit for a seasonal pitch is granted for 7 days per week only.
  • During the period of the permit, you may park in this spot every day.
  • Always check the map of pitches first to see which pitches are available.
  • Then under "Apply," complete the interest form.
Winter01-10 to 07-01Oil balls / Dutch pastries
Winter01-12 to 24-12Christmas Trees
Winter01-11 to 31-03Koek and zopie
Summer01-03 to 30-09Sandwiches, snacks, soft drinks, ice cream, herring, summer fruit

Occasional pitch (permit)

  • One-time pitch for up to 3 consecutive days per week.
  • Maximum of total 30 days per year.
  • There is a maximum of 5 nonconsecutive days per year for the City Center.
  • The permit is granted per whole day, not per part of the day or per hour.
  • Always check the map of pitches first to see which pitches are available.
  • Then fill out the form under "Applications. For an occasional pitch, you do not need to fill out an interest form first.

Ideal pitch (notification)

  • A pitch with non-commercial activities for public interest, belief or charity.
  • Maximum of 3 consecutive days per week.
  • Maximum of total 30 days per year.
  • There is a maximum of 5 nonconsecutive days per year for the City Center.
  • Always check the map of pitches first to see which pitches are available.
  • Then under "Apply," complete the form.

Distribution of pitches (drawing of lots).

For permanent pitches and/or seasonal pitches, are there more applications for one particular spot? Then a draw will take place.

Entrepreneurs who are on the waiting list with the municipality as of January 1, 2018 will count 3x more heavily in the draw than an entrepreneur registering for the first time. This is a one-time procedure.

Eligibility rules for a pitch

Did one person sign up for a spot?

  • That person gets the spot

Did more people sign up for the same spot?

  • It first looks to see if someone is selling a product that is different from what is already being sold near the place (for example, in a mall). Is that the case? Then that person gets the spot.
  • Are there more than one person selling the same type of product? Then a draw will be held (see information above).
  • Persons who have already received a pitch may not enter the draw for a second spot.

Bidders who have been awarded a permanent pitch in the process will be given 2 weeks to apply for a pitch permit. Applications for a permit received outside these 2 weeks will not be processed. You can submit an application or notification up to 8 weeks in advance.

Plot on private property?

Then you do not need a stand permit from the municipality. However, the location must be shown on the map for stand locations, such as various construction markets and/or garden centers. These places and the places for the weekly markets, you will see on the map as a pink area without green dots.


Fixed pitch


  1. First, check the map of pitches to see if your desired spot is available.
  2. Then complete the form below to indicate that you would like a pitch.
    Interest form pitch
  3. Within 2 weeks, we will notify you whether you can apply for a permit.
  4. Only after you have received a message from us can you apply for the permit using the form below.
    Apply for stand permit

Seasonal pitch


  1. First, check the map of pitches to see if your desired spot is available.
  2. Then complete the form below to indicate that you would like a pitch.
    Interest form pitch
  3. Within 2 weeks, we will notify you whether you can apply for a permit.
  4. Only after you have received a message from us can you apply for the permit using the form below.
    Apply for stand permit

Occasional pitch


  1. First, check the map of pitches to see if your desired spot is available.
  2. Then apply for the permit using the form below.
    Apply for Stand Permit

Ideal pitch


  1. First, check the map of pitches to see if your desired spot is available.
  2. Then fill out the form below. In the 1st step of the form you can indicate that you want to report an idealistic pitch.
    Idealistic pitch report


Permit referred to in Art. 5:16 of the APV (stand permit):

Fixed pitch, valid for 1 day per week€ 154,10
Permanent position, valid for 2 days per week€ 177,82
Permanent position, valid for 3 days per week€ 207,45
Seasonal site€ 177,82
Authorization to replace the licensee from time to time€ 53,35
Occasional pitch€ 53,35

Additional charges for stand space on municipal land

Are you standing on a pitch on municipal land? If so, you will pay pitch fees in addition to the cost of the permit. 

In the Stadshart, by day € 35,05
Other spots up to 10m² (also seasonal spots), per day€ 20,97
Other spots from 10m² to max 20m² (also seasonal spots), per m²€ 1,03

Price changes and typographical errors reserved.

How long will it take?

An employee of the Permits Department will process your application. This is your regular contact person.

You will be notified within 8 weeks whether you will receive the permit.


If you disagree with the municipality's decision you can object within 6 weeks.