New school building and new sports hall at Van Doornenplantsoen

The municipality of Zoetermeer is building a new school building for the MOTION Beweeg College and a new municipal sports hall at Van Doornenplantsoen.

MOTION Move College

Following the administrative takeover by the Lucas Education Foundation, the name of this vmbo school has changed. The new name better reflects the current direction and needs of the school.

The current site is severely outdated and far too large. The new school can accommodate up to 550 students. The Program of Requirements 'Fresh Schools 2021' is a basis for building a new school. This establishes good and appropriate educational quality in a fun, healthy, inspiring and sustainable environment. A Fresh School pays attention to the themes: energy, air quality, temperature, light and sound.

Sports Hall

In the coalition agreement 'Doing together what is necessary' it was agreed to invest in sports facilities. The new sports hall is being built because of the shortage of sports halls in Zoetermeer.

The new sports hall will be used by schools during the day. In addition, the Zoetermeer sports associations and disabled and competitive sports will also use the hall. A number of common areas will be shared with the MOTION Beweeg College (entrance, checkroom, dressing room, toilets). Thanks to this cooperation, the sports hall will be used optimally.

The building site (red) on Van Doornenplantsoen and the current school building (blue)

Design phase

The preliminary design has been completed. Currently, in a construction team, together with the architect, contractor and consultants, the final design is being further developed.

New zoning plan

The school and sports hall will be built on the grassy field opposite the existing school. A new zoning plan has been drawn up for this purpose. On Monday, Oct. 23, 2023, the council proposal for the adoption of the zoning plan for the new Van Doornenplantsoen building was adopted, changing the zoning.

Road rerouting

To enable the realization of the school building and sports hall, a road rerouting in the Van Doornenplantsoen is necessary. This work will take place during the summer vacation, in the period from July 15 to August 23, 2024. Traffic will be rerouted which will affect both auto and bicycle traffic. Complete information about the temporary routes can be found in the letter at the bottom of this page.

Environmental Permit

The plan is to apply for the environmental permit around the summer vacations.

Start of construction - information evening

After obtaining the environmental permit, the contractor can start work to actually build the school and sports hall. Prior to the start of construction, the immediate area will be invited to an information evening where information on construction, safety, and site layout, among other things, will be shared.

Preliminary design. Image: Architect De Twee Snoeken (Den Bosch)


  • Elaboration of final design - April to June 2024
  • Environmental permit application - June/July 2024
  • Construction start - first quarter 2025
  • Completion - second quarter 2026
