Maybe you've known since you were young that you wanted to ask this question and you've been thinking about it all along. How and where you would ask it. What clothes you would put on or what music would be played. Or maybe you discussed it in passing and then decided to actually do it. And after you've asked or discussed it, you set a date. Then finally the big day arrives. You have already arranged everything but one thing is still missing. The officiant who is going to marry you. I would like to be that officiant.

Do you want it big or just very small? Do you want a speech or not? Do you want music during your entrance? Wedding children or a ring bearer? During the preliminary interview, your wishes and needs will be discussed, I will ask a lot of questions and based on that, I will want to perform your wedding with a personal twist.


Vincent de Goede is available Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Indicate choice of wedding officiant
