Volunteer Marleen of Verloot je Zooitje is the ears and eyes of the neighborhood

Verloot je Zooitje is a project for neighborhood children who, by picking up litter, save for gift certificates and have a chance to win great prizes. And they also learn a lot about what litter does on the streets and how long something stays there. So fun and educational.

Marleen is one of the volunteers of Ditch Your Mess. She is a mother of four children, the youngest of which frolics happily around her. For her, it is nice that she can bring her son with her and that he gets to be outside all day and play with the neighborhood children.

Before the interview begins, the first children arrive with bags full of litter. Four children hand in their bags and all get their loot and stickers. Then they get to grab something to eat and drink. There is hard work going on here. At 2 p.m. in the afternoon, the counter already stood at 22 kilos!

The project Verloot je Zooitje has been running for several years in The Hague and this year for the first time in Zoetermeer, in the Meerzicht neighborhood. A great success so far. The second location at Zalkerbos was less well visited, but both at the Buitenbeest petting zoo and now at the Regenboogschool children know how to find it.

Juf Marleen as she is called here by many children is a very involved volunteer. Besides this work she also volunteers at the Toy Bank and organizes activities for young and old at the Haagse Bos where once a week her daughter of 14 also helps with craft activities.

Volunteering makes her happy. Sitting still all day she cannot and does not want to. Because of caring for her 14-year-old daughter, she cannot have a steady job. She doesn't throw in the towel and gives something back to her neighborhood and her neighbors. Marleen is well known in the neighborhood. Many people who walk by greet her or have a brief chat. The familiar face is also very important. She is a point of contact for many people and also helps people with other things. Like recently when she helped a lady apply for a Zoetermeer pass and later heard that thanks to the pass, and thus thanks to her, this lady's daughter was now in swimming lessons. It gives her satisfaction to help people or get them started. She has so many examples. Like a lady who has a hard time herself, but came by with a bag full of fresh fruit and vegetables to donate to the children. And of course the local supermarket Hoogvliet who provides food and drinks for the children who come by. A result of volunteers with heart for the neighborhood who made this happen. The many sponsors also show that there is a great involvement.

There is also the other side. Children who stand at the tent with an empty stomach punctually at 11:00 a.m. and are very happy to have something to eat here. Or children who stay at the tent all day. Of course because they like it, but also because they are not allowed to go home until 5 p.m. Marleen hears those stories, too. Behind the children's smiles there is sometimes a harrowing story. Marleen is there for these children and where she can, she also helps the parents on their way to the right help.

Marleen is a top volunteer and hopes the project will continue next year in Meerzicht. Name recognition is growing and more and more children come to help clean up. The result is a clean neighborhood! But the good cooperation with social workers is also very important. Marleen is literally the eyes and ears of the neighborhood during the day. And that is very valuable for the neighborhood. The short lines, just a phone call and someone is helped. So this nice, sympathetic project almost has a double function.

Together with community liaison Kersten, they go through the day and also have some fun. Because besides the fragile things that are there, there is also, above all, fun for the kids. And they learn about trash, about having a purpose and get to know other kids.

The Raffle Your Mess project ran until Aug. 25. The announcement of the prizes will be on Sept. 1. After that, there will be an official moment for the presentation of the prizes. All information can be found on the website: www.verlootjezooitje.nl/zoetermeer.