What is included in Food scraps from GFT+E?

Food scraps belong in the GFT+E waste, but what exactly does this mean? Besides food scraps from fruits and vegetables, cooked food scraps are also allowed in the GFT+E waste. Think of leftover pasta with minced meat, tomato sauce and cheese, leftover stew with gravy or leftover rice, noodles and bread.

But that's not all, there is much more to the GFT+E waste. Think of egg, fish and meat scraps, but also eggshells, fish bones, shells of mussels and bones. Nut shells, leftover cookies, chocolate, cake and even pet food are also allowed in the GFT+E. You can see a comprehensive overview on the yes/no list of Zoetermeer to the bin. You can view the list at the bottom of this page or download it here (pdf).

Don't waste, do reuse

Of course you want to throw away as little food as possible, but we all sometimes have leftovers from dinner that you forget about in the fridge. Or from a party or barbecue. If so, prefer to throw your leftovers with the GFT+E, because then it will be reused and you won't waste your leftovers. If you throw it away with residual waste, it will be burned and go to waste.

How do we reuse GFT+E?

From GFT+E waste we make compost and green energy. This is good news for the environment. Compost is a natural fertilizer that makes the soil better. Green energy helps to use less fossil fuels. All this helps to see waste as something valuable instead of something worthless.

What belongs where?

The yes/no list below shows which container which waste belongs in. 



  • Vegetable, fruit and garden waste
  • Bread, potatoes, potato peels, dough, rice and pasta
  • Food scraps (cooked or uncooked), leftovers
  • Dairy products, such as cheese
  • Egg, fish and meat scraps, including bones and bones
  • Gravy and cooking fat (congealed or in paper towels)
  • Nut shells, (clam) shells and egg shells
  • Loose tea, tea bags, coffee pods and coffee grounds
  • Cookies, candy, chocolate, nuts, kernels, snacks
  • Flowers and plants, small trimmings, leaves and grasses
  • Garden and potting soil
  • Litter (hay, straw, sawdust) used for smaller rodents with their droppings
  • Leftover animal feed



  • Packaging
  • Plastic bags or sacks
  • Drinking Packs
  • Cheese crust
  • Coffee cups
  • Frying fat and oil
  • Chewing Gum
  • Flower and plant pots, pottery
  • Fertilizer, pesticides, root cloth, hydro pellets
  • Beams, lumber, metal
  • Poop and manure from large animals, such as dog, cat and horse
  • Cat litter and bird cage sand
  • Hair, lint
  • Dead animals or offal



  • Plastic containers, cans and drinking cartons
  • Bottles for soda, water and vinegar
  • Squeeze bottles for sauces, oil, etc.
  • Vials for detergents and soap
  • Packaging of cheese, meat and fish
  • Cups and containers for yogurt, ice cream and fruit
  • Tubs for butter, sauce and cheese spread
  • Bags for pasta, rice, bread, sweets, etc.
  • Plastic bags and pouches
  • Plant pots
  • Blister packs, such as from toothbrushes
  • Chip bags and aluminum foil
  • Push-through strips, such as from medications and chewing gum
  • Empty cartons, such as for fruit juices, wine, dairy products, soup and pasta sauce
  • Empty (soft drink) cans and lemonade syrup cans
  • Empty canned goods, such as soup and vegetable cans
  • Empty dog and cat food cans
  • Crown corks and metal lids of jars



  • Kit tubes
  • Styrofoam
  • Hard plastic, such as toys
  • Housewares and utensils (buckets, drip rack, etc.)
  • Agricultural plastic
  • Nets of tangerines, oranges and onions
  • Containers with custard or yogurt residue
  • Drink containers into which other material has been put
  • Loose cardboard (boxes) or other paper
  • Aerosols (with or without KCA logo).



  • Newspapers, magazines, stationery
  • Advertising printing, leaflets
  • Receipts, train tickets
  • Gift Paper
  • Envelopes (including window envelopes)
  • Cardboard and paper packaging
  • Egg Boxes
  • Books, directories
  • Print and fax paper
  • Pizza and pastry boxes, clean without grease and food residue



  • Styrofoam
  • Pizza and cake boxes with food scraps
  • Cardboard cups and plates
  • Wet and soiled paper (e.g. coffee filters, toilet paper, kitchen paper and tissues)
  • Plastic and metal binders of binders
  • Wallpaper and photographs
  • Water-repellent, grease-free, laminated paraffinized paper
  • Bituminized paper (insulation of pipes)
  • Carbon paper, carbon paper
  • Juice and dairy packaging
  • Plastic film around leaflets and magazines
  • Plastic padding material such as bubble wrap and air bags