Councilwoman Veronique Frinking gives go-ahead for Redeem Your Bummer

On Saturday, July 13, new alderman Veronique Frinking gave the official go-ahead for project Verloot je Zooitje in the district of Meerzicht. During the summer months children will work with litter. A fun and educational action in which beautiful prizes will be raffled off. 

Despite the drizzling weather, many residents and their children came to playground Buitenbeest. Together with neighborhood director Marjanne van Reek, Alderman Frinking wished all the children good luck. More was not needed, because the enthusiasm of the children was enormous. With a garbage bag in their hands they ran through the neighborhood looking for all the garbage people throw on the street. Cans, packaging, everything was allowed in the bag. 15 minutes after the start, the first lottery tickets and stickers were already given out. A good start! For the parents and children there were some drinks and delicious organic chips.

Throughout the summer, the pop-up location is open at various locations in the district. Children get to work there every day. Not only does it help make the neighborhood cleaner, but it also teaches children to deal with waste differently. The action also has a positive impact on social cohesion. By saving for lottery tickets and stickers, children have extra motivation. This way, cleaning up becomes a game! With two full saving cards, they already earn a gift certificate from one of the participating local businesses. At the end of the summer, between August 26 and 30, the lottery drawing will take place and on September 1, the winners will be announced. With the absolute grand prize being a PlayStation 5!

We hope for a clean, happy summer with lots of garbage collected.