Who are we?
You may encounter enforcers on the streets and in your neighborhood every day. You will recognize them by the nationally adopted uniform. This uniform bears the logo 'Buitengewoon opsporingsambtenaar (boa)' and the text 'handhaving'. Enforcement officers also wear a bodycam and handcuffs.
The parking controllers of Zoetermeer (P1) walk in the same uniform, you can recognize them by the logos on their shoulders with parking controllers on them. For more information: Parking Service Bureau.
Our enforcers work every day to make it pleasant to live and safe in Zoetermeer. That is their main task. They deal with reports from residents and give advice on how to make events safe. They also issue fines or warnings. They do so on the basis of the rules laid down in the General Local Bye-Laws of Zoetermeer (APV), the Penal Code, the Road Traffic and Traffic Signals Regulations and all the laws for which the enforcers are authorized.
Our enforcement officers work extensively with other services such as police, fire and ambulance.
Enforcers in neighborhoods
Each neighborhood has neighborhood enforcers; they are part of the neighborhood team. These enforcers are familiar faces in the neighborhood. You can always speak to them if there are problems.