Neighborhood Gardens
There are 5 community and school gardens in Zoetermeer. This page provides more information about these gardens.

Nature in the neighborhood garden
In the various neighborhood gardens, efforts are being made to create a natural environment as much as possible. For example, the Noordhove, Zegwaartseweg and Rokkeveen neighborhood gardens have a nature-friendly pond. Wijktuin Rokkeveen also has a hedgehog garden, a critter garden and a low-maintenance bird garden. Several neighborhood gardens have fruit trees and small fruits such as blackberries, raspberries and berries. Jams and juices are made from fruit and sold on open evenings, for example.
All neighborhood gardens also have a herb garden with, for example, chives, parsley, celery and mint. You can pick herbs there, in consultation with the manager, free of charge.
Activities at the neighborhood gardens
At the neighborhood gardens, various activities are organized for young and old. Children can show their garden to their parents, family and friends. And during the summer vacations there are activities as part of SpeelmeerPaspoort, such as making flower arrangements and baking bread. Adults can get information on nature-friendly gardening, composting, herb gardens and fruit trees.
Volunteers are indispensable in the garden. They help with school garden classes, open evenings and days, activities for children and garden maintenance. New volunteers are always welcome. If you enjoy working outdoors, come check out one of the gardens. Experience and knowledge of gardening is nice but not necessary. Enthusiasm is much more important.
Renting a garden
Don't have your own garden? At a few neighborhood gardens you can rent a little garden from early April to mid-October and grow your own organic vegetables and flowers. There is also limited space for permanent gardens where you can garden year-round.
School Garden Program
Children in grade 5 follow a school garden program during a school year. They begin after summer vacation with 6 themed lessons on flowers, bees, herbs and soil animals and weather effects. Using vegetables and herbs from the garden, they will make their own soup and herb butter.
In April, they get a little garden, where they grow and harvest vegetables and flowers. They also establish a group garden for the new Group 5 after the summer vacation. In the garden we do not use chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
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