Buytenwegh neighborhood exploration launched
How do you like your neighborhood? What do you like and what could be better? Do you feel safe in Buytenwegh and do you have ideas for improvement? These are the kinds of questions we will be asking residents and business owners in the Buytenwegh neighborhood.
Buytenwegh is one of the 3 neighborhoods that the board of mayor and aldermen has designated as neighborhoods of the future. To determine what can be improved in Buytenwegh, we are conducting a so-called neighborhood survey in the coming months.
A district exploration is an investigation to find out what important points and issues are in the district. For this we go into the neighborhood to talk with you and social partners. We also look at figures about the neighborhood.
In the coming months, employees of the Eurus agency will be going into the neighborhood on behalf of the municipality and housing cooperatives. They will talk to residents, entrepreneurs and social organizations about what is going well and what could be improved in the neighborhood. You will receive a postcard with more information. First, residents of the Hoven neighborhood will receive a card. The residents of the Roden neighborhood will receive the card soon.
There is also a special website where you can voice your opinions about the neighborhood. The website can be found here: If you would like to participate in thinking about the follow-up to the neighborhood exploration, you can also indicate this on the website.
There will be 2 residents' evenings in October to present the results of the neighborhood survey to you first. One evening for the Roden neighborhood and another evening for the Hoven neighborhood. You will receive an invitation to these evenings.
Once the neighborhood study is complete, there will be a recommendation on a follow-up approach for the neighborhood. The board of mayor and aldermen and the City Council will decide on this.
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