Zoetermeer gives 6 tunnels a cheerful facelift with art

Friday, June 21, Alderman Marijke van der Meer unveiled an art project in the Wethouder Jennet Tunnel. Together with the new art in the tunnels on Afrikaweg, Marathonpad, Van Aalstpad Kangoeroepad (Seghwaert side) and Kangoeroepad (downtown side, Palenstein), the tunnels have a colorful and lively look. The tunnels have received a refurbishment and have now been transformed into works of art that brighten up the surroundings.

The artworks are the result of a collaboration between partners from the city such as Schatbewakers and HGOS and the art and culture and city management departments of the municipality of Zoetermeer. Each tunnel has its own human-centered theme: The Farmers, The Pioneers, The Connectors, The Community, The Preservers and The Youth. Together they form the story of Zoetermeer's development, ideals and coexistence in the city over the years.

Marijke van der Meer: "Our tunnels were in need of a facelift, and what better way to do that than with art? These colorful works of art not only bring cheer into the daily lives of our residents, but they also promote a sense of pride and connection to Zoetermeer."

For more information about the project and the artists involved, visit this municipality website: Kunstwacht - Zoetermeer.

Councilwoman Marijke van der Meer with artist Aafke Bouman at the artwork 'The Zoetermeerders'