Zoetermeer proud of plans for Edison Park

Now that the City Council approved the plans for the new Edison Park development on July 8, the college can proceed with the realization of 540 housing units in a green-urban environment.

Edisonpark, formerly known as Kwadrant B & F, is located between Australiëweg, Oostweg, Van der Hagenstraat and Zegwaartseweg. The project consists of (social) rental homes and houses for sale in different price segments. There will also be 55 residential care apartments and 16 apartments for young adults with a mental disability and/or autism.

Importance to the city

Edisonpark provides a highly desirable and future-oriented housing development in Zoetermeer. The design includes a lot of greenery, providing space for cyclists and pedestrians. Cars are parked on the north and south sides, creating a car-free area. To further green this green neighborhood and make it car-free, Edison Street will also be cut traffic-wise for this purpose. Alderman Ronald Weerwag (housing): "Edison Park will be a place where people want to live. We are creating a green, livable environment that matches our ambitions for Zoetermeer in 2040."


On April 2, 2024, the college has already signed a cooperation agreement with the development consortium, which consists of AM B.V., Dura Vermeer Bouw Zuid West B.V. and Synchroon B.V. The cooperation agreement outlines the steps for the development of Edisonpark in 4 phases. Land preparation is expected to begin in 2025 and construction to start in 2026.

Zoetermeer 2040

Edisonpark is an important step toward the future of Zoetermeer in 2040. The project offers diverse and sustainable housing solutions and contributes to a livability and social connection in the city. For more information about Edisonpark, please visit edisonpark-zoetermeer.nl.

From left to right: Tobias Verhoeven, director of Synchroon; Nicolle Terlouw, director of property development of Dura Vermeer; Ronald Weerwag, alderman for housing of Zoetermeer municipality; Annemarie Jol, director of development of AM.