Zoetermeer receives 15.7 million for making Bossenbuurt Meerzicht flats more sustainable

Municipality of Zoetermeer receives an amount of € 15,753,170 from the Public Housing Fund of the central government. This helps Owner Associations (VvEs) in the Bossenbuurt to make their homes more sustainable. Part of the grant goes to improving public space in the Bossenbuurt. The Public Housing Fund is also asking for a contribution from the municipality. This means that the City Council has yet to decide on additional funding.

Alderman Bouke Velzen: "This subsidy is a big boost for homeowners in the Bossenbuurt. With the energy-saving measures we can improve the quality of life. This prevents energy poverty and thus we contribute to subsistence security for vulnerable households."

Alderman Ingeborg Ter Laak: "I am extremely happy with this. With the money from the Volkshuisvestingsfonds we can give new impetus to a typical reconstruction neighborhood characteristic of a New Town like Zoetermeer."

For ten apartments in the Bossen neighborhood, making homes more sustainable is now closer. The flats have overdue maintenance and a low energy label. The ambition to make these homes more sustainable will get off the ground easier with the Housing Fund because it increases the financial strength of the owners' associations.

The municipality supports VvEs in their sustainability task with tailored energy advice. But for several VvEs, the financial risk is too great. The consequence of the investment would be that the contribution to the VvE becomes unaffordable for some homeowners. With the granted subsidy, it will now be possible for VvEs in the Bossenbuurt to take insulation measures more easily. such as roof insulation, exterior wall insulation and HR++ glass. In total, more than 2,400 homes can be preserved. This way, all residents will have a well-insulated home, there will be less energy consumption, more comfort and lower costs.

Part of the grant awarded is for improving the public space and neighborhood shopping center Meerzicht. The area with many parking lots, is in need of renewal. There are plans to make the shopping center more attractive and accessible with more opportunities to meet.

Municipality of Zoetermeer is pleased with the grant awarded. If, after the summer, the city council also agrees to spend this money, VvEs of the Bossenbuurt will be able to apply from the beginning of 2025. In this way they will be supported in their ambition to work on insulating measures. And it directly makes a positive contribution to the neighborhood development of Meerzicht.

Questions and Answers

View a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions below.

Why is this grant from the Public Housing Fund going only to VvEs in the Bossenbuurt neighborhood? Other neighborhoods may be running into the same problem.

Conditions were set in advance from the central government. The money must go to a vulnerable neighborhood where livability and safety are under pressure. Meerzicht, and the Bossenbuurt in particular, is such a neighborhood. So the Zoetermeer municipality could only apply for money from the Public Housing Fund for the Bossenbuurt. Other owners associations can always use support from the VVE counter. They can come here with all their questions about sustainability. Check out Energieloket Zoetermeer | tailored advice for your situation.

Before the money from the fund becomes available, the municipality will also have to make its own financial contribution. Will the municipality do this?

It is a condition from the Public Housing Fund that the municipality itself also makes a financial contribution. A proposal for this is being made to the City Council. A decision on this is expected after the summer.

What are the requirements to qualify for this grant as an owners association of the Bossenbuurt ?

The conditions for this have not yet been drafted. First, the City Council must still approve a spending proposal. This will probably happen after the summer. After that, subsidy regulations must be drawn up and adopted by the municipal council. After this, the CoEs of the Woodlands neighborhood can then apply for it. The intention is to have this ready by early 2025.

When can owners associations in Bossenbuurt apply for grants?

This can only be done after the council agrees on the financial contribution. After that, the grant scheme must be worked out. The intention is for the scheme to open in early 2025.

When will the work in the flats take place?

This will vary from one VvE to another. It is up to the homeowners themselves to decide on this during the general membership meeting (ALV) of the VvE.