Zoetermeer tightens youth aid regulation
The Zoetermeer City Council wants more control over Youth Aid and proposes to the City Council to completely replace the dated Youth Aid Ordinance. In the new regulation, the municipal responsibility for youth aid is more sharply defined. In addition, more appeal is made to parents and education. "Not every child is the same and there is nothing wrong with that," stated Alderman Marijke van der Meer.
"Not every question needs to be remedied by specialized youth care. We assume that many children can also be helped by lighter support in a child's normal life. We want to avoid as much as possible that children are given a medical stamp at an early age."
Youth aid costs threaten to reach 100 million euros by 2025. "If we do not intervene then as a municipality we will have no choice but to have to make drastic cuts in facilities that are important for all children, such as libraries, city farms, sports facilities and playgrounds."
Municipality of Zoetermeer wants good agreements with help providers about the time limits within which help must be completed. In addition, Zoetermeer wants youths to qualify for individual help only if it is really not possible to help them in groups. "Of course we ensure that there is the best possible appropriate help for youth who need it. Thus, we invest in a larger and better supply of preventive care."
The City Council is expected to decide April 2 on the proposed ordinance.