Litter Brigade Palenstein
Litter Brigade Palenstein braved the cold Wednesday, January 8 in this new year with a crew of 15 residents (of the now 21 litter pickers) to clean up the heavily soiled streets, flower beds, paths.
The route included Schoutenhoek, Ambachtsherenlaan, Van Doornenplantsoen, Du Meelaan, Osylaan, Agathapad bike path and Beatrijspad. Large amounts of fireworks debris, glass and plastic were found. "Never encountered so much junk after a New Year's Eve," exclaimed José Bontje. With the urgent request to residents to clean up their own trash!
In the green shed near the neighborhood garden of the Craftsmen's Lodge, people wished each other a good New Year in advance. After cleaning up over 22 large full bags of trash, the evening ended with catching up over a warm drink.
Every second Wednesday evening of the month between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., the group goes out together. Most also go out on their own on other days. It's fun, you're in motion, and you're helping to make a cleaner neighborhood.
Would you like to join or join this enthusiastic group of neighborhood residents?
Call after 6 p.m. for more information to 06-10370047.