Activities Zoetermeer Sport (free)

Activities at the playgrounds in Zoetermeer (outdoors)

Are you looking forward to a fun afternoon of sports and games? Team Zoetermeer Sport invites you to come play on the Zoetermeer playgrounds! Everyone from the age of 6 and up is welcome! Borrow sports and game equipment and join in with fun games from the Scholarshippers!

MondayPlayground KerkenbosLake View14:30 - 16:30
TuesdayPlayground Den BrabanderhoveBuytenwegh14:30 - 16:30
TuesdayPlayground RakkersveldPalenstein15:00 - 16:30
WednesdayPlayground KerkenbosLake View14:00 - 16:00
ThursdayPlayground Den BrabanderhoveBuytenwegh14:30 - 16:30
FridayPlayground ZanzibarpleinOosterheem14:30 - 16:30

Please note! During school vacations, activities at the playgrounds do NOT take place!

Sports and games (indoors)

Are you between the ages of 6 and 12? Then join in on the FREE sports parties organized by Zoetermeer Sport! Whether you want to play a game of soccer or basketball or climb and scramble: it's all possible!

WednesdaySports Hall The OosterpoortOosterheem14:00-16:00
FridaySports Hall Trout DitchSeghwaert15:00-16:30

Activities Sportspower079

TuesdayBuytenwegh10-13 years16:00 - 18:00Playground Den Brabanderhove
TuesdayBuytenwegh13-16 years18:00 - 20:00Playground Den Brabanderhove
WednesdayLake View10-14 years girls15:30 - 17:30Playground Kerkenbos
WednesdayLake View13+ girls19:00 - 20:00Crosswater gymnasium
WednesdayLake View13+20:00 - 21:00Crosswater gymnasium
FridayOosterheem13+ indoor soccer17:30 - 20:00Sports Hall The East Point
FridayOosterheem23+ indoor soccer20:30 - 22:30Sports Hall The East Point

Attention! During school vacations, activities do NOT take place!

Walk Your Fit 18+

Are you not fit, feel overweight and want to change that? Then join the project 'Wandel je Fit'! With a weekly walk by the Neighborhood Sports Coach, you will work on your health and get to know other neighbors. Every week this sociable walking group will walk a new route through a beautiful piece of nature in Zoetermeer. Sign up for free via:

MondayWalking, about 5 km12:45 - 14:00
WednesdayWalking, about 5 km13:30 - 15:00


Are you 55 or older? The municipality organizes several activities related to exercise and health.

BRAVO! Fit after 55

Please note! A modified activity schedule applies during school vacations.