Assisted Living Youth

Begeleid Wonen Jongeren offers young people between the ages of 18 and 23 a chance to become independent, with a helping hand. You can get a place to live and assistance with living, learning and working. You get a temporary rental contract, as long as you follow the rules of Begeleid Wonen Jongeren.

How does it work?

Are you between the ages of 18 and 23 and do you really want to make something of your future? Are you no longer able to live at home and need help to become independent? If you are motivated to take this step and are willing to work hard, Begeleid Wonen Jongeren might be for you.

You will have your own counselor. Together with your supervisor, you determine your goals. You sign a guidance contract for approximately eighteen months. You work towards being able to live independently and having an education and/or job that suits you.

What is expected of you?

To participate in Supervised Living Youth, you must meet several conditions. These are there for a reason. They help you reach your goal. These are the conditions:

  • You are between the ages of 18 and 23.
  • You really want to make something of your future and are actively working on it.
  • You want to be guided in this.
  • You adhere to the rules of Supervised Living Youth.
  • You have work, education or volunteer work for at least 20 hours a week or are willing to do so.
  • You have an income to pay your rent and other living expenses.
  • You have no major problems with your behavior or your addictions.
  • You have valid identification.
  • You live and/or work in Zoetermeer or you go to school in Zoetermeer.

How can you apply?

Want to know more about this project? Then send an e-mail to:


Counseling is free. The cost of your living expenses, such as food, rent and telephone, for example, you must pay yourself. 

How long will it take?

If you send an e-mail you will get a reply from us within 2 weeks.

Parties involved