You can have a deceased person buried or cremated. For this you need permission from the municipality. The funeral director usually arranges this for you.

What you need to know

You may not bury or cremate the deceased until 36 hours after he or she dies. And no later than 6 business days after the death. For more information, visit the government website: When may a deceased person be buried or cremated?

Burial or cremation after 6 working days

Do you want to bury or cremate the deceased at a later date? For example, for a religious reason or because relatives from abroad want to attend the funeral? Then you need permission from the mayor and a doctor. The funeral director usually arranges this for you.

Burial or cremation within 36 hours

If you want to bury or cremate the deceased within 36 hours, you need permission from:

  • the public prosecutor
  • the mayor of the municipality where the body is located