A decision is a decision made by the municipality. On this page you will soon find disclosed documents from the Decisions category of the Woo. These are written decisions by our municipality that affect individuals or businesses.
Residents and businesses can apply to the municipality for products and services. Think of a permit, benefit or subsidy. The municipality must make a timely decision on such applications. The municipality can approve or reject an application. Some of these decisions are published via
For many types of decisions, the Woo makes exceptions. The municipality does not have to make these public. Examples are decisions about taxes, financial assistance and fines. We do not make documents accompanying a decision public. These include the application or other documents.
Disclosure of documents in the Decisions category is not yet mandatory. However, disclosure is in preparation. The date when disclosure of decisions becomes mandatory will be announced at a later date through a Royal Decree. From then on, the municipality must make new decisions public.