Disclosed information (Woo)

Public information

The municipality of Zoetermeer shares information when someone asks for it. We also call this passive disclosure. The person asking the question then makes a Woo request: a request under the Open Government Act.

Active disclosure

In addition, the Zoetermeer municipality also makes information public itself, without anyone asking for it. We call this active disclosure. The active disclosure of information is contained in the Open Government Act but is not yet required by law.

Information categories

The Woo lists 11 types of information that governments must eventually make public. We call these information categories.

This page provides an overview of the 11 information categories. There is also a brief explanation. Each information category also indicates whether we already make the information public. We also tell you where you can find public information.

Are you missing information? Or would you like to ask us a specific question? You can use the contact form Woo.

Do you need comprehensive information? Or documents about a particular policy or decision? The Open Government Act (Woo) allows you to request information from the municipality. You can then submit a Woo request to us.

Sometimes we cannot disclose information. The Woo says when we don't have to disclose information. For example, because it contains information that companies have told us in confidence. Or because it contains people's personal data. When we do not disclose some or all of the information, we explain why we do so.

DigiD linkFiling your own Woo request