Papers from advisory boards

The City Council and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (B&W) may establish one or more advisory boards or commissions. An advisory committee or advisory board is a group of people who can provide solicited and unsolicited advice to the board. Consider, for example, advice in the area of housing, care and welfare from the Social Domain Advisory Council.

On this page you will soon find opinions from the category Opinions of the Woo (Open Government Act). These are opinions from an advisory board, an advisory committee or another party from outside the municipality to whom advice has been sought.

In addition to the advisories, the City Council and the College of Mayor and Aldermen will soon have to make the advisory requests public.

Disclosure in the Opinions category is not yet mandatory. However, disclosure is in preparation. The date on which opinions will be made mandatory public will be announced at a later date through a royal decree. From then on, the municipality must make new opinions and requests for opinions public.