Edison Park, formerly known as Quadrant B&F, is located between Australiëweg, Oostweg, Van der Hagenstraat and Zegwaartseweg.

The Development Combination, consisting of AM B.V., Dura Vermeer Bouw Zuid West B.V., Synchroon B.V. and the municipality of Zoetermeer, are working on a plan to build 550 homes in Edison Park. In addition, De Goede Woning, in cooperation with the municipality, is developing 16 homes for young people with disabilities. The city council gave the green light for these plans on July 8, 2024, and adopted the urban development plan. The college can now proceed with the realization of 540 homes in a green-urban environment.

The City Council gave the green light to these plans on July 8, 2024, and adopted the urban development plan. The college can now proceed with the realization of 540 housing units in a green-urban environment.


Edison Park offers a housing offering that meets the needs of the future. The design consists of lots of greenery, with space for bicyclists and pedestrians. To make the area car-free, cars will be parked on the north and south sides. To this end, Edison Street will be "cut" and traffic adjusted.

Artist impression Edison Park

Walk-in meeting on Nov. 12, 2024

A walk-in meeting was held on November 12, 2024. During this meeting, the municipality and the Development Combination informed interested parties about various topics of the Edison Park project, such as the spatial procedure, mobility, the design and layout of the public space, and the process and planning of the project. The organizers also answered questions from attendees.

Check out some photos from the meeting below, including an image of the project's model.

Staying informed

If you would like to stay up to date on developments around Edison Park, sign up for the newsletter at www.edisonpark-zoetermeer.nl.

Ambition Document

In March 2018, the council adopted the ambition document for this location and instructed the college to enter into discussions with market parties about the developments on this basis. The Edisonpark development consortium, consisting of AM, Dura Vermeer Bouw Zuid West and Synchroon, has prepared an urban development plan for Edisonpark. The sketch plan meets the ambition document and was adopted by the board of mayor and aldermen on July 14, 2020 . After participation, the urban plan can be developed into a final design.

More information on the contents of the plan can be found on the website www.edisonpark-zoetermeer.nl.

Housing ambition council

The housing plans contribute to the city council's ambition to build at least 700 homes per year over the next 10 to 15 years. In addition, these plans will ensure circulation within Zoetermeer. The development of Edisonpark will add approximately 550 homes to the housing stock over the next few years.

Artist impressions Edison Park

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about developments in the Edison Park area.

Spatial procedure

What exactly does the spatial procedure entail?

The BOPA process involves a zoning change in the area. Residents have the opportunity to object to this change.

How does the new construction project fit within the current zoning plan?

The new construction project does not fit within the current zoning plan. Therefore, we want to change the zoning of the entire area to "residential.

How is the current living environment and character of the neighborhood taken into account?

We took into account the vision for Zegwaartseweg and prepared an urban plan. This plan was carefully developed, with emphatic attention to the existing environment and the character of the neighborhood.

What changes are being made to the zoning plan?

The zoning of the area will be changed to "residential. The procedure for the environmental plan and environmental permit will start in the fourth quarter of 2024.

What steps have already been taken in the process, such as City Council approval?

The City Council has already approved the urban plan. On July 8, 2024, the City Council gave the green light for 540 housing units in a green-urban environment. In addition, the City Council reserved space for the Edison Arch, which may be decided on in the future.

How is resident and business participation handled?

There has been a participation process since 2018 with an established ambition document. On November 12, 2024, an information evening will be organized for residents and businesses in the area, specifically focused on the BOPA process.

What opportunities do local residents have to object or influence the plans?

Residents can object to the BOPA process. If they disagree with the outcome of the objection, they can appeal, or even file an appeal.

How are the interests of nearby businesses considered in the process?

We conduct interviews with businesses in the area to identify their needs and concerns. It is important for the municipality to provide timely information, for example about changes to the LZV route, Edison Street and other relevant issues.

Tree canopy

What preceded the tree canopy in Edison Park

We understand the impact of the tree cutting in the newly developed Edison Park area. The logging permit was requested for safety reasons. The municipality has previously had to perform emergency felling in the area because trees and branches fell over, sometimes causing damage. This weakened the remaining trees, necessitating further felling.

The tree felling was carried out under the conditions of a temporary nature exemption. Prior to the felling, careful ecological surveys were conducted by an in-house ecologist and an independent ecological research firm. These surveys focused on species protected under the Environment Act, such as breeding birds and nests in trees and along ditch edges. No protected flora or fauna were found during these field visits. In addition, Stichting Egelopvang Zoetermeer inspected the area, during which no hedgehogs were observed.

The area will soon have plenty of room for greenery and biodiversity. We aim to plant new trees this year. This will happen at the edges of the area, so that the construction of the 550 homes is not impeded. The trees within the area will be planted per phase when the land is prepared for housing. In this way, biodiversity in Edison Park will definitely have a place soon.

The trees recently felled at Edison Street are being chipped on site. A small portion of the wood chips will be reused within Zoetermeer, the majority will be removed to a specialized processor. It is true that one tree is still standing: a sequoia. This special tree will be preserved and given a place within the Edison Park project.

Why is the tree canopy necessary for this project?

The tree cutting is necessary for safety. In the past, 3 trees have fallen, causing dangerous situations. We previously performed an emergency felling on Edison Street, but it appears that we also need to cut down trees throughout the area. Cutting down trees that can fall down causes the other trees to catch less wind, which can also make them dangerous.

Will new trees or green spaces be planted to compensate for tree felling?

Yes, new trees will be planted as compensation.

How will it be ensured that biodiversity is not affected by the tree canopy?

We will plant new trees as soon as possible and keep the area as green as possible. In addition, we have a nature exemption until 2026 and will take ecology into account, including through field visits.

Exactly when and how will the tree felling take place, and what nuisance might it cause?

The tree cutting will take place in the first quarter of 2025. Our guiding principle is to minimize inconvenience to the surrounding area.

Are there protected species or nests in the trees to be cut, and how will they be dealt with?

No protected species or nests were found in the trees to be felled.

Has there been consultation with local residents or other parties regarding the felling of the trees and the preservation of the greenery?

A permit has been applied for the tree canopy, and no objection has been filed by the surrounding area.

How will the tree canopy affect air quality and living conditions in the neighborhood?

The tree canopy will not have a significant impact on air quality or living environment. In addition, we will replant new trees in time.

Can residents or businesses influence the tree canopy plans?

No objection has been filed to the logging permit, so residents or businesses cannot make an impact at this time.


What will happen to Edison Street and traffic flow?

Edison Street will be "cut" to create a car-free residential neighborhood. Traffic will be diverted and parking will be provided on the north and south sides of the street.

Will the Edison Arch still be realized?

Currently, space has been reserved for the Edison Arch, but studies are still needed and a final decision by the City Council must be made at a later date. This will not hinder work on the project.

How will traffic pressure be reduced on surrounding roads?

Several traffic modifications are planned in the area. Following these modifications, traffic will be diverted to reduce traffic pressure on surrounding roads.

Are there additional facilities for cyclists and pedestrians?

Yes, the design provides adequate space for both cyclists and pedestrians.

How will traffic safety be ensured in the neighborhood, especially for pedestrians and cyclists?

Several measures are being taken to improve road safety, including height differences between the bike and pedestrian paths and clear separations to separate cyclists and pedestrians.

Is adequate parking provided for the new residents and visitors?

Yes, adequate parking will be provided for both residents and visitors.

How will public transportation to the area be adapted or expanded?

There will be a new bus stop nearby, probably on Zegwaartseweg, to improve public transportation to the area.

Will there be parking pressure on surrounding neighborhoods, and if so, how will this be resolved?

No parking pressure is expected on surrounding neighborhoods.

Are there plans for charging stations for electric cars?

Yes, there are plans to install charging stations for electric cars. This will be further developed at a later date.

Public space design and layout

How will sustainability be ensured in the design?

Sustainability is integrated into the design through the use of energy-efficient housing, plenty of green spaces and the creation of a car-free area with parking facilities at the outside of the area.

What is Villa Eigenwijze?

Villa Eigenwijze consists of 16 apartments designed for people with intellectual and physical disabilities.

How will the neighborhood's green space be landscaped?

The design includes a lot of greenery, following the green-urban vision.

Are there plans for recreation and play areas in the area?

Yes, there will be plenty of playgrounds for children in the neighborhood. Also, the water flowing through the area will contribute to the attractiveness of the area.

What amenities will there be for the neighborhood, such as green spaces, playgrounds or sports fields?

As mentioned earlier, there will be plenty of playgrounds for children. In terms of green spaces, the neighborhood will have many trees, and certain homes will also have community gardens.

How to ensure that public spaces remain attractive and accessible to all?

We involved the accessibility council in the project and had conversations about the accessibility of the public space. Several measures are being taken to ensure that the space is accessible and attractive to all.

Are measures being taken to reduce nuisances, such as noise pollution?

Yes, high-rise buildings are planned in the shell of the neighborhood. This will serve as a noise barrier for the homes behind it. The premise is that there should be no noise pollution for the residents.

Will there be enough amenities such as stores, schools and health care nearby?

No new stores, schools or health care facilities will be built in the area. However, these facilities are already present in the immediate vicinity, such as in the Palenstein and Oosterheem neighborhoods.

Will the project include green roofs, solar panels or other environmentally friendly techniques?

Yes, we want to apply as many environmentally friendly techniques as possible, such as green roofs and solar panels. The exact details of these techniques will be worked out.

Process and planning

What is the schedule for construction of the homes?

The site will be prepared for construction in 2025, with actual construction starting in 2026.

When does the first phase begin and how are the 4 phases divided?

Work on the first phase, to prepare the land for construction, will begin next year. The project will be implemented in 4 phases, with each phase being planned separately.

How can I keep abreast of developments?

An information evening will be held in November 2024, and you can follow the latest updates on the webpage: www.zoetermeer.nl/edisonpark.

What is the total duration of the project?

The total project will take about 8 years.

What are the key milestones in the process?

The main milestones are site preparation and the start of construction. Each phase has its own milestones that are carried out separately.

During the construction phase, how will possible inconvenience to the surrounding area be taken into account?

We will keep in close contact with the surrounding area and organize an information evening to explain the work and discuss any concerns.

How will the site be used between construction phases?

Between construction phases 3 and 4, we will look at options for temporary facilities. In addition, we are looking at placing a construction sign.

Which companies and parties are involved in the project?

The Development Combination consists of AM B.V., Dura Vermeer Bouw Zuid West B.V. and Synchroon B.V.

Previous coverage

Quadrant B&F, the former allotment complex, is turning into a new residential area. The site is located between Australiëweg, Oostweg, Van der Hagenstraat and Zegwaartseweg. The area is now named Edison Park.

The board of mayor and aldermen intends to conclude a land sale agreement for the development of the Edison Park project with the Development Combination, consisting of AM B.V., Dura Vermeer Bouw Zuid West B.V. and Synchroon B.V. This intention was published in the Municipal Gazette on April 7, 2022 .

Digital information meeting and online survey Edison Park

On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Ontwikkelcombinatie Edisonpark (AM, Synchroon and Dura Vermeer) together with the Zoetermeer municipality organized a digital information meeting about the development of Edisonpark. You can read the report here.

Review meeting later

Interested parties can also review the meeting on the website www.edisonpark-zoetermeer.nl. Comments on the plans could be sent by Dec. 23, 2021.

Online participation Edisonpark on Doemee.zoetermeer.nl

To complement the meeting, it was also possible to respond online to some of the plan's themes, such as architecture, mobility and design of public space. This survey was open from December 9 to 23, 2021 via doemee.zoetermeer.nl. View the results of the survey here.

Staying informed

Those who would like to be kept informed of developments around Edison Park can sign up for the newsletter at www.edisonpark-zoetermeer.nl.

Artist impression Edison Park
Artist impression Edison Park


The plan consists of approximately 550 housing units, including 94 social rental units, 177 free sector owner-occupied units, 206 mid-rent and free sector rental units, 55 mid-rent care apartments and 16 care apartments for young adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism.

Ambition Document

In March 2018, the council adopted the ambition document for this location and instructed the college to enter into discussions with market parties about the developments on this basis. The Edisonpark development consortium, consisting of AM, Dura Vermeer Bouw Zuid West and Synchroon, has prepared an urban development plan for Edisonpark. The sketch plan meets the ambition document and was adopted by the board of mayor and aldermen on July 14, 2020 . After participation, the urban plan can be developed into a final design.

More information on the contents of the plan can be found on the website www.edisonpark-zoetermeer.nl.

Housing ambition council

The housing plans contribute to the city council's ambition to build at least 700 homes per year over the next 10 to 15 years. In addition, these plans will ensure circulation within Zoetermeer. The development of Edisonpark will add approximately 550 homes to the housing stock over the next few years.
