Mini exhibition in art showcase City Hall

In the Town Hall-Forum there is an art showcase next to the main entrance at Engelandlaan. Every 3 months a guest curator can set up a small temporary exhibition. The exhibitions are free to visit during City Hall-Forum opening hours.

Photo art display case at City Hall-Forum

Becoming a guest curator

Do you have an idea for an exhibition on a Zoetermeer subject in the showcase? For example, around a particular artist, theme or technique? If so, you can apply to be a guest curator. As guest curator, you are responsible for organizing the exhibition:

  • You create the plan for the exhibition.
  • You have contact with artists, designers, or others whose artwork is on display.
  • You set up the exhibition.
  • You will arrange all other matters surrounding the exhibition, such as transportation, text signs and, if you wish, publicity.
  • You are the first and only point of contact for the congregation.

What may be exhibited

The guest curator may display artwork or design by professional visual artists, designers or art photographers in the art showcase. Sometimes students from an art academy or other art school can also exhibit their work. The work must have something to do with Zoetermeer, for example, because:

  • the artist is from Zoetermeer or works in a studio in Zoetermeer;
  • there is work by the artist in public places in Zoetermeer;
  • the artist is in the public eye in Zoetermeer. For example, the artist is simultaneously exhibiting elsewhere in the city, has created a much-discussed work of art at home or abroad, or has won an important art prize.

The art showcase can also display (local) cultural heritage, design or photography and art from the municipality's collection. The art showcase is not intended to sell work. You may include contact information of the creators, but you may not place price tags in the art showcase.

How it works

If you would like to become a guest curator, please fill out the application form. Within 2 weeks (not counting vacations), the municipality will assess whether the idea is suitable for the art showcase. Then you elaborate the exhibition in an exhibition plan. Then you sign an agreement with the municipality on the arrangements for the exhibition. When your exhibition is due, you will be given access to the showcase and set up the exhibition. The exhibit will be on display for visitors to City Hall for 3 months. Then you clear out the display case and return it empty, clean and whole.

Good to know

  • Please allow for a preparation time of several weeks.
  • The municipality advises you not to incur any costs until an agreement is in place and you are certain that your exhibition can go ahead.
  • Before you are allowed access to the art showcase, you must show identification once.

Sign up

Submit your idea for an exhibition using the application form.

Sign up guest curator art showcase


Have any questions? Please email

Photo art display case in City Hall-Forum