Fine arts in Zoetermeer

Visual art is an important part of Zoetermeer's urban culture. Since Zoetermeer grew from a village to a city in the 1960s, there has always been a focus on art in public spaces.

Artwork Zoetermeer H-structure by Marus van der Made

Catalog Fine Art

There are about 180 works of art in public places in Zoetermeer. If you want to know more about these artworks, check out the:

Catalog Fine Art

Art projects and participation

For every construction project in Zoetermeer, 1 percent of the total cost is spent on art. This is stated in the percentage regulation for visual art in public space. Residents decide what art will be there. For more information:

Art Projects

Artwork The Magic Mountain by Barbara Kletter

Art display case at City Hall

At the entrance to the Public Square there is a showcase for exhibitions of fine art and design. You can visit the exhibitions during the opening hours of the Public Square.

Interested parties can set up their own temporary exhibition in the showcase. For more information:

Mini exhibition in art showcase City Hall

Art routes through the city

Discover works of art in the city with the art routes. There are 3 walking routes through the center and a bicycle route towards Lansingerland. You can find these art routes at: | Art routes

Artwork Pyramid and Obelisk by Jan Samsom

Sculpture garden behind Dorpsstraat 7

In the Dorpsstraat is a sculpture garden with 5 sculptures. You can visit the sculpture garden on Sundays between 12:00 and 16:00. Which sculptures are on display here you can read at:

Sculpture garden behind Dorpsstraat 7




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