Pipeline permit (Consent Decree).

You need a Pipe Permit to lay, modify, move or remove cables, pipes and structures above and below ground, in the public area of the municipality of Zoetermeer.

Different rules apply to work covered by the Telecommunications Act.

How does it work?

You can apply for a Pipeline Permit or Consent Decree online via MOOR (Meldpunt Opbrekingen Openbare Ruimte) or the WoW portal (Werkplein Ondergronds Werken). You need an account to apply.

The pipeline operator or a cable operator applies for the permit. Are you applying for the permit on behalf of an operator? If so, please enclose with your application an authorization signed by the operator. The permit is in the name of the pipeline operator or cable operator (or the authorized representative).

You may have to take a temporary traffic measure. You must consult with the municipality's traffic engineer about this in advance.

No pipe permit required

In 3 cases, you do not need to apply for a Pipeline Permit:

1. Telecommunications Law

For cables, pipes and structures above and below ground, which are covered by the Telecommunications Act, you do not need a Pipeline Permit but a Consent Decree.

2. Minor work

Sometimes a notification through MOOR or the WoW portal in the area where the work is to take place is sufficient. 

You make this notification at least 3 days before the start of:

  • Making (house) connections shorter than 25 meters in public spaces, among other things.
  • Making welding holes and performing minor repairs.

3. Sewer connection

Do you want to make a connection or discharge (ground) water to the municipal sewer? Then you must apply for a sewer connection (except in the cases listed below where a Pipe Permit is required).

However, pipe permit required

Always apply for a pipe permit for:

  • All (temporary) construction connections.
  • If drilling and road crossings need to be done.
  • If structures are to be erected for the purpose of cables and pipes.


Before applying for a permit, please consult with one of our staff members. During this consultation, the conditions of the application will be explained. In addition, your desired route will be checked for possibilities. 

The proposed work is always discussed with the administrator of the area in question. Do you receive the permit after this consultation? If so, this also gives you permission from the administrator.

Would you like to make an appointment for a preliminary consultation? Please send an e-mail to: secretariaat.stadsbeheer@zoetermeer.nl. Please indicate in the e-mail where you would like work done.

Keep in mind:

  • Is the application pending and you do not yet have a permit? Then you may not start the work.
  • Do a MOOR notification at least 3 working days before you start work. Once approved, you will have permission to begin work.
  • Performing work on cables and pipes without a permit is punishable (see APV Zoetermeer).
  • For cables covered by the Telecommunications Act, you need a Consent Decree based on the AVOI Municipality of Zoetermeer
  • The Pipeline Permit and the Consent Decree are issued based on the AVOI Municipality of Zoetermeer.
  • Other technical regulations can be found in the documents below.


You can apply for a Damage Compensation Scheme for cables and pipes if:

  • You suffer damage due to work done by others.
  • The permit granted to you will be revoked or modified.


In Zoetermeer, you can only apply for the permit online. This can be done through the Meldpunt Opbrekingen Openbare Ruimte (MOOR) or through the Werkplein Ondergronds Werken (WoW portal).

Applying for Pipeline permit through MOOR works

Application for Pipeline Permit via WoW Portal.

Enclose with your application

  • A digital copy (pdf) of the working drawing showing the planned route in RD coordinates.
  • An authorization if you are applying for the permit on behalf of the pipeline operator.
  • If requested by the licensing authority: a pipe calculation.
  • For drilling: a drilling plan with dimensioning calculation and strength calculation.


Fees are charged for processing an application. The fees are listed in Chapter 13 Underground Infrastructure of the Ordinance on the Levying and Collection of Fees 2024 | Local Laws and Regulations (government.com)

After the work is completed, the street, verge or parkway must be returned to its proper condition. For paving, you may do this yourself under conditions, after which you are obliged to take care of the maintenance for one year.

Roadsides and planting beds will be repaired by the municipality's contractor. The permit holder must pay the cost of this. These costs will be settled, based on quote and mutual approval, through MOOR or the WoW portal. 

The above does not apply to trenches in asphalt pavements and trenches of sewer connections. The permit applicant shall pay the cost of management, maintenance and degeneration of the trench made. 

How long will it take?

You will receive a response within 8 weeks. You can set up your own e-mail notification in MOOR that will automatically keep you informed.

Does the application take longer than 8 weeks? If so, you will be notified.

Useful links

  • Cables and Pipelines Information Center KLIC (part of the Land Registry).