News Nelson Mandela Bridge
Update Oct. 17, 2024 - Lifts Mandela Bridge
Please visit for the most up-to-date situation known to us.
Update March 17, 2023 - bike path Nootdorpsepad reopened
Good news for cyclists: the Nootdorp Trail near the Nelson Mandela Bridge will reopen by 4 p.m. at the latest. Thank you for your patience!

Update Feb. 17, 2023 - Zuidweg reopened as of 4 p.m.
The Zuidweg will reopen at 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17. RET bus line 170 and EBS bus lines 455 and 71 will also resume their normal routes across Zuidweg from 4 p.m. Both bus stops on the A12 under the Nelson Mandela Bridge will remain closed for the time being.
Update Jan. 27, 2023
After being closed for 55 days, the Nelson Mandela Bridge is back in full operation. Cyclists and pedestrians can cross it again. Also NS-station Zoetermeer and RandstadRail-stop Driemanspolder are in use again.
Please note: scooters and mopeds are not allowed on the bridge!
Councilwoman Marijke van der Meer opened the bridge at 6:45 p.m. on Jan. 26. At 7:04 p.m., the first train stopped at Zoetermeer station. The first passengers were welcomed there by Alderman Ingeborg ter Laak with cookies. The bridge was immediately used by pedestrians and cyclists.
See photos from the opening.
Update Jan. 24, 2023 - Bridge open Thursday, Jan. 26, 7 p.m.
On Thursday, Jan. 26, 7 p.m., the Nelson Mandela Bridge will reopen for pedestrians and cyclists. NS trains will then also stop again at Zoetermeer station. From Friday, January 27, RandstadRail will again stop at the Driemanspolder stop. Shuttle buses will also stop running from Friday, January 27.
The detour on Zuidweg towards the Afrikaweg will remain for some time. In order to restore two lanes of traffic on the Zuidweg , the road will be modified. It is expected that the Zuidweg can be fully used again during February.
The closed section of the Nootdorpsepad bicycle path will also reopen during February. Work is still taking place here at the moment.
Basic support for the sections of the Nelson Mandela Bridge above the NS track and Zuidweg will be completed this week. The ramps to the emergency bridge are also being completed. Work will continue after the bridge opens on Thursday, Jan. 26. The support will be finished and the work areas cleared.
Until the work is completed, no buses will stop at the bus stop along the A12 and temporary bus stops will still be in use in Rokkeveen near Zoetermeer Station.
Update Jan. 19, 2023
Work continues on the Nelson Mandela Bridge. Following the removal of the bridge section over the A12 on Dec. 29, 2022, additional research has been done on the cracking of the bridge. This shows that the damage to the bridge is currently smaller than previously thought, but the survey confirms that there is a structural flaw in the bridge that needs to be repaired. Further securing of the bridge will be done in two parts.
Basic support for the sections above the NS track and Zuidweg combined with monitoring has begun. At that point, the bridge is safe to open. Then the support will be completed and additional measures will be taken so that monitoring can be dropped. Finally, a plan will be made for structural repair of the bridge. We will continue monitoring until sufficient measures are taken. There is no need to support the bridge section above RandstadRail at this time. However, monitoring will continue here.
The basic support (part 1) is currently being implemented and work is underway on the stairs and ramps to allow the use of the emergency bridge. This is because there is a height difference of 1.30 meters between the existing bridge sections and the emergency bridge. In any case, the bridge can open in January 2023. The exact date will follow when there is a final schedule and we can guarantee its opening.
Work is underway not only to secure the bridge, but also to develop a plan for structural repair. Therefore, the girders of the bridge section from above the A12 section will not be taken apart and transported to the Nieuwe Driemanspolder, but will remain at the work site where they are now, pending the repair plan. Because of the work site, the Nootdorpsepad is closed. Since the work site will be used longer, a solution is being sought for the bicycle path.
Read more in the Jan. 13, 2023 memo to the City Council.
Update January 6, 2023
Unfortunately, the Nelson Mandela Bridge will not be able to reopen safely for pedestrians and cyclists on January 15, 2023. Work to support the bridge is taking longer than expected. This also means that public transport passengers will not yet be able to get on and off at Zoetermeer NS railway station and the RandstadRail stop Driemanspolder.
We are currently working with the contractor to see what measures are possible to expedite the work in a safe manner so that the bridge can be returned to service at least in January. Read more about this in the January 6, 2023 memo to the City Council.
As soon as there is a new schedule we will let you know. Keep an eye on the website and our socials for updates.
Update December 31, 2022
The A12 freeway near Zoetermeer reopened to traffic in both directions at 11:45 p.m. Friday evening, December 30. This was possible earlier than planned because the work on the Nelson Mandela Bridge went smoothly.
Update December 30, 2022
The replacement of the bridge section over the A12 was successful yesterday. But securing the bridge is not yet finished. Work continues on supporting the bridge section over the Zuidweg , and the support of the section above the train track also remains to be done. That is still quite a big job.
A replacement bridge section was installed over the A12 on Thursday evening. This is an open bridge section with walls that are 1.80 meters high. This emergency bridge is a bit higher than the existing bridge sections, so in order to use the bridge properly, ramps will be provided. Meanwhile, we are also looking at what measures, if any, are needed for the section above the RandstadRail. Precisely because the section above the A12 has been removed, we can properly examine the condition of the bridge. Also on the section above the RandstadRail the cracks are still closely monitored. If everything is safe, the Mandela Bridge will reopen on January 15, 2023, but that is not yet certain. Only about a third of the work has been completed.
The removed bridge section has been moved to a work site between the A12 and the RandstadRail. At this location, the bridge section will be further dismantled in the coming days, with as many parts as possible being saved for reuse.
To continue the work to support the bridge over the Zuidweg , the northbound lane of the Zuidweg will again be closed starting Monday, January 2, 2023 at 07:00 a.m. This is the lane towards Africa Road. The closure of Zuidweg begins at the intersection with Mahatma Gandhisingel. A detour route is marked with signs. More information can be found at Effects on traffic.
Many media outlets captured great footage of the bridge section out yesterday, check out the photos and these videos:
- Region 15: Nelson Mandela bridge over A12 in Zoetermeer removed |
- Omroep West: Part of Nelson Mandela bridge removed: 'Everything went according to plan' - Omroep West
- Algemeen Dagblad: There goes the Mandela Bridge! The bridge section over the A12 is out (resulting in a hole) | Top Stories Zoetermeer |
Update Dec. 29, 2022, 3 p.m.
The removal of the bridge section above the A12 went well. Now the bridge section will be placed next to the A12. This morning the day started with a press meeting, check out some photos from today here. More to follow.
Update December 28, 2022
On Thursday, December 29, the bridge section of the Nelson Mandela Bridge above the A12 will be replaced by a temporary bridge section. The A12 near Zoetermeer will therefore be closed until 8 a.m. Saturday morning, December 31.
The section of the Nelson Mandela Bridge above the A12 will be removed. A replacement bridge section will take its place. The other bridge sections will remain. Those over the Zuidweg and the station will receive additional support. Work on this is in full swing. Whether this is also necessary for the section over the RandstadRail is still being assessed.
The bridge section above the A12, which weighs about 800 tons, will be lifted on Thursday and transported to the side by two special vehicles with about 200 wheels underneath. On top of that, a steel structure will be built on which the bridge section will rest. This total structure weighs about 200 tons. Altogether, about a million kilos have to cross the A12. That is why the A12 will first be reinforced and protected with plates. When everything is ready, the A12 will be returned to its original state and the median strip and crash barriers will also be put back in place.
The bridge section is being moved to a work site between the A12 and the RandstadRail. There, four cranes (two on each side of the bridge section) take over the weight. The vehicles then drive underneath it and the cranes lower the bridge section to the ground. At this location, the bridge section continues to be disassembled, saving as many parts as possible for reuse. Meanwhile, a replacement bridge section is replaced at the vacant bridge site.
If all goes well, the Nelson Mandela Bridge can be put back into service on January 15. The bridge will look very different then, because the part of the glass roof above the A12 will not return for the time being. Based on current plans, the total costs are estimated at a maximum of eight million euros.
The A12 freeway between Utrecht and The Hague will be completely closed in both directions at Zoetermeer from Tuesday, December 27, 10 p.m. until Saturday morning, December 31, 8 a.m. The closure of the A12 is expected to make it very busy with car traffic on the main roads in and around Zoetermeer.
For route information, visit or X: @RWSverkeersinfo, @RWS_WNZ, or call 0800-8002 (free of charge). Also visit and
During work on the bridge, trains and RandstadRail will continue to run, but it will not be possible to get on and off at the RandstadRail Driemanspolder stop and Zoetermeer NS station.
Travelers can use the special HTM duo return. This allows two people to travel through the region (there and back) for €5. There are also children's day passes. For € 1.50 a child can travel unlimitedly on HTM's buses and streetcars all day.
The work can be watched live 24 hours a day via a webcam on this website.
Update December 27, 2022
Do you want to know how the replacement of the bridge section above the A12 works? Watch the video from Omroep West in which our contractor on the bridge explains what will happen.
Update December 20, 2022 - A12
The A12 freeway near Zoetermeer between Utrecht and The Hague will be completely closed in both directions from Tuesday, December 27, 10 p.m. until Saturday morning, December 31, 8 a.m.
During this closure, the Zoetermeer municipality will remove the section of the Nelson Mandela Bridge that crosses the A12 and replace it with a temporary bridge section. This will cause considerable inconvenience. Road users must follow a detour and allow for 30 to 45 minutes extra travel time. At busy times, the extra travel time can amount to 1.5 hours. See | A12 near Zoetermeer closed between Christmas and New Year 2022. Read more at Consequences traffic.
Train and RandstadRail will continue to run during the bridge work.
Update December 19, 2022 - A12
Due to preparatory work on the Nelson Mandela Bridge, some lanes of the A12 will be closed starting tonight. The closure will apply from Monday, December 19, through Thursday, December 22, between approximately 9:30 and 5:30 p.m. However, disruption may occur due to fewer lanes being available. At least one lane will always remain open to traffic.
The closure is necessary because glass panels are being removed from the canopy in preparation for the removal of the bridge section over the highway.
For route information, visit or More will be announced shortly about how the removal of the bridge section will affect traffic across the A12.
Update Dec. 16, 2022 - Zuidweg
Starting at 7 a.m. on Monday, December 19, the northbound lane of Zuidweg will be closed. This is the lane towards Africa Road. The closure of Zuidweg begins at the intersection with Mahatma Gandhisingel. There will be a detour via Mahatma Gandhisingel, Albert Schweitzersingel and Houtsingel. This is indicated with signs.
On the southbound lane of Zuidweg (towards Oostweg), the bus lane and part of the right turn lane will be closed only at the Nelson Mandela Bridge from December 19. This will allow traffic to continue on the southbound lane of Zuidweg .
From Monday, December 19, the bus stop at Zoetermeer station in Rokkeveen will not be in use. This affects several bus lines. There are temporarily other stops and modified routes. More information can be found at Consequences public transport.
The closure is expected to last until 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 23. This is dependent on the completion of work to support the bridge section of the Nelson Mandela Bridge above Zuidweg. Monday, Dec. 19, this will begin.
More information can be found under"Effects on traffic.
Update December 13, 2022
The Nelson Mandela Bridge in Zoetermeer can be put back into service no later than Jan. 15. Part of the Nelson Mandela Bridge will be dismantled. The bridge over the A12 motorway will disappear in its entirety, including the glass roof. This will be replaced by a temporary bridge section. The bridge sections over the railroad tracks and Zuidweg will receive a support structure. Support for the bridge over the RandstadRail tracks does not seem necessary at this time.
This will make the bridge safe to use again for a few years. A temporary bridge section will allow the stations and the important connection between Rokkeveen and Centrum to be used again quickly after the work is completed. This will give us time to work out the plans for a new bridge together with the development of the area and restore the Nelson Mandela Bridge permanently.
What will happen?
The removal of the bridge sections will take place by driving them out. This means that the bridge sections including glass canopy are moved in their entirety to an adjacent piece of green space along the A12. There, the bridge section will be taken apart and removed. The removed construction of the part of the characteristic glass canopy will be stored for reuse. The metal artwork, which runs through the entire bridge, will also be retained and stored. A temporary bridge deck will be put back in place to make the joint one again.

This week construction site layout will begin and work will continue in and around the bridge. The first markings of the Zuidweg and bus lanes will also become visible, except for the A12 trunk road.
It looks like this combination of measures could be completed by mid-January at the latest. This is what is currently known about the work. During preparation and execution, it may turn out that other work is also needed. For example, it is not yet entirely certain whether the cap on the other bridge sections can be retained.
Upon completion of the work, the bridge and stations are expected to be back in operation soon. Exactly when this will be is not yet known.
After taking these measures, the bridge will be safe for the coming period. Meanwhile, we are working out the plans that have been in place for some time for a new bicycle bridge and bus stops above the A12 making it a better public transport hub. The new bicycle bridge can also be used temporarily by pedestrians and temporarily connected to the station. This will be completed in three years according to the current schedule. After that, the Nelson Mandela Bridge can be renovated to serve pedestrians and as a station concourse.
As of Friday, December 2, 2022, the Nelson Mandela Bridge is closed to all traffic using the bridge. This restriction was effective immediately for safety reasons, following an extensive investigation into previously identified cracks in the bridge. An urgent recommendation from the Department of Public Works was to take action before Jan. 1. This seemed to require extensive dismantling of the Mandela Bridge or removing the cap and keeping the bridge safe with another structure. Last week several scenarios were worked out to keep the bridge safe. This led to the college decision today to take the measures listed above.
Mandela bridge remains closed
Cyclists and pedestrians now have no access to the bridge. Zoetermeer train station remains inaccessible as well as RandstadRail stop Driemanspolder and bus stop Mandelabrug. There is replacement transportation for travelers to Zoetermeer-Oost Station.