Results of tackling undermining crime

Tackling undermining crime in the city is one of the spearheads of the municipality of Zoetermeer's security approach. It involves forms of fraud, money laundering and drug trafficking. Last year, the police and the municipality invested heavily in tackling undermining in business parks, including through surveillance and contact with entrepreneurs. The results achieved by the municipality and the police in 2023 can be followed annually via the dashboard on undermining at Zoetermeer in Figures - Undermining - Zoetermeer.

Results 2023

Last year, 11 joint checks took place in the city. Two drug labs were dismantled. Hard drugs and/or soft drugs were found in 37 premises in the city. 11 hemp nurseries and 1 grow shop were dismantled. The municipality can also take its own measures in this regard. Last year, for example, the mayor closed 13 premises and issued three administrative fines and 11 administrative warnings. In addition, the municipality imposed an order under penalty 14 times.

Ambitions 2024

This year, the municipality wants to further strengthen the resilience of the city and its own organization. There will be business meetings and presentations at internal departments, including on the signs of undermining and what to do. The municipality also wants to train new undermining officers. In addition, the municipality wants to gain insight into the nature and extent of new undermining themes.


Residents and business owners can report signs of undermining crime at or by emailing Anonymous reporting can also be done through Report Crime Anonymously (M.) via the website or by calling 0800-7000. Through a partnership with M., the municipality receives relevant signals about crime and fraud in the city.