Spatial Strategy Zoetermeer (RSZ).
Zoetermeer then, now and soon. From a village community then to a society of over 128,000 inhabitants now. A city that never stands still. What developments in the city are ensuring that Zoetermeer now and in the future will remain a place where it is pleasant to live, recreate, work and do business? The developments now, influence our city later. A city where everyone feels welcome and at home.
Background information
The Spatial Strategy is the second part of Zoetermeer's environmental vision. The environmental vision has the Zoetermeer 2040 Vision as part 1. Whereas the Vision Zoetermeer 2040 is still in outline form, the Spatial Strategy maps out how and where we are going to implement the Vision. The Spatial Strategy is a statutory task of the municipality that must be drawn up under the Environment Act.
The Spatial Strategy builds on the outlines established in the Vision Zoetermeer 2040. It responds to the major challenges facing the city in the coming years in terms of space for themes such as housing, mobility, energy, greenery, the economy and facilities. The RSZ is not a sum of solutions, but a picture of the future for the city. View the Spatial Strategy here .
Spatial Strategy Zoetermeer 2040 (RSZ) - City in the Neighborhood!
The NSSO shows where we are headed as a city if we make the most of the opportunities and challenges. We seek space for housing, facilities and work mainly in the existing city. In this way we strengthen the most accessible places in the city and with the addition we also ensure renewal of areas that are now becoming worn out. In the central areas such as Entrance and the city center, most buildings will be added. In most of the quiet (suburban) residential areas, new construction takes place mainly in the shopping centers, which can also be refurbished as a result. This allows the downtown to grow.
Vision map Zoetermeer: City in the neighborhood

In the image above, you can see the strength of Zoetermeer captured in one image. A city close to the largest cities in the Netherlands. A city with fine neighborhoods where everything is close by because it is compactly built around all the amenities that make urban life attractive. And which at the same time is directly connected to the peace and space of the green heart. That makes Zoetermeer "the city nearby.
10 strategic choices
10 spatial strategic choices are made for the city. These are:
- Together we strengthen the strength of the region
- We build within the existing city and concentrate urbanity
- We strengthen the spatial identity of New Town Zoetermeer
- We realize balanced growth of living, working, green-blue and facilities
- We increase the attractiveness of existing neighborhoods
- We better utilize work locations and facilitate working in neighborhoods
- We provide a climate-resilient and nature-inclusive city
- We are directing the energy transition and subsoil
- We encourage exercise and meeting
- We provide an accessible, healthy and safe city
It also distinguishes the different living environments of the city. The living environments indicate how different areas will develop. For each living environment there is a description of different themes such as social, green, mobility and high-rise buildings. The Spatial Strategy also looks to the future beyond 2040.
There was extensive participation in the creation of the Zoetermeer 2040 Vision and the Spatial Strategy. View the Participation Report of the Spatial Strategy here .
Environmental impact report (OER).
An Environmental Impact Report (OER) was also prepared as part of the Spatial Strategy. In this report, several alternatives were examined, and the environmental effects were depicted. The results have partially influenced the final Spatial Strategy. View the Environmental Impact Report (OER) here .
Planning Spatial Strategy
The concept draft of the Spatial Strategy has been shared with the City Council and is being discussed there. This may lead to changes and refinements. This will be collected and processed in February and March 2025 so that the Draft Spatial Strategy can be made available for public inspection in April 2025. In addition to the pdf document, the draft spatial strategy will be published in the DSO (Digitaal Stelsel Omgevingswet). This is a new way of publishing and part of the Environment Act. This publication can be found via | Regels op de kaart.
It is scheduled to be available for public inspection from April 3 to May 15, 2025. Information about the publication will appear on the website and in Het Streekblad by then. After the public comment period, comments will be read and responded to, which may lead to adjustments to the Spatial Strategy. The final text and map images will be processed in May and June. In July 2025, discussion in the City Council is on the agenda.

City Makers
City makers are all of us, by living somewhere and doing our things we make the city. During the development of the Spatial Strategy, an "Atelier Stadmakers" was created that actively engaged in thinking about the future of the city. We are grateful to the Atelier Stadmakers for their involvement, thinking along, inspiring and co-organizing. Information about Atelier Stadmakers can be found at | Treasurers.
- Council proposal - Draft Spatial Strategy Zoetermeer 2040
- Appendix 1 - Draft Spatial Strategy Zoetermeer: City in the Neighborhood
- Appendix 2 - Participation report Spatial Strategy Zoetermeer
- Appendix 3 - Draft Environmental Impact Report (OER).
- Appendix 4 - Memorandum of response to views NRD and level of detail Spatial Strategy
- Appendix 5 - Strategic choices with assumptions and implications.