Grant - events

You can apply for grants for events that are good for the city and/or its residents. 

Residents and businesses can apply for subsidies for events organized in the municipality of Zoetermeer. The events must contribute to achieving the goals chosen by the municipality. There are several possibilities for this in 2024:

Grant for events city marketing

Your event may be eligible for a grant through the Event City Marketing Grant Scheme. In this regulation you will find things that we consider important when deciding on grant applications. These include, for example, objectives that belong to the objectives of the city marketing policy.

What can't you apply for a grant for?

You cannot apply for a grant for activities:

  • Where you yourself can provide enough money, for example, by asking participants for a contribution.
  • Which do not take place in Zoetermeer or are not intended for Zoetermeer residents.
  • Which are contrary to law, public interest or public order.
  • Who proclaim a political, religious or philosophical message.
  • Which do not meet eligibility rules.
  • Where there is no reasonable relationship between the amount requested and the planned activities.

Can you get a grant from another organization?

Before applying for a grant from the municipality, you should first see if you can't get a grant somewhere else. There are several funds and foundations where you can apply for grants, for example:

Grant application

Apply for event city marketing grant

You can apply for a grant from June 1 to August 31 each year for any city marketing activities you would like to organize next year. The college will decide by November 30 each year. You will receive a letter in December stating whether or not you will receive the grant. 

If a grant is requested for an equal event, we will award the grant to the plan with the most points (higher than 70).

We can only process your application if your application is received by us on time and complete with all attachments.

Apply for event city marketing grant

Submit questionnaire

Complete the Questionnaire accompanying grant request Event Subsidy Scheme (Word) and submit it with your application. 


Contact Grant Office

The Grants Office can be reached Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon by calling the general telephone number 14 079. You can also send an e-mail to