Grant - Help energy costs for foundations and associations

This grant is for community organizations that are having money problems due to rising energy prices. The municipality can partially reimburse unexpected increases in your energy costs. A social organization is an organization that provides social services with no goal of making a profit. This is, for example, a sports or cultural association or a community center.

How does it work?

We compare your energy costs during the period for which you are applying for a subsidy with your energy costs during the same period of an average year. In an average year, you were able to conduct your operations as you normally do. For example, you have not been closed. By comparing energy costs, we calculate how much they have increased. In doing so, we check whether your energy consumption has changed much. We also check whether you yourself have money to pay (part of) the higher energy costs. Based on this information, we calculate whether you can receive compensation and how much.

What should you do?

Complete the online form (see "Apply"). Describe in the form:

  • What you have already done and/or plan to do to reduce your energy consumption.
  • How higher energy costs will affect your organization. 
  • Whether you qualify for other energy assistance measures.

Please send the documents below with the form (make sure you have them ready digitally before filling out the form):

  • Settlement of energy costs for the period for which you are applying for a subsidy.
  • Settlement of energy costs for an average year (2021, 2020 or 2019).
  • Financial statements for 2021 and 2022 (operating account and balance sheet).
  • Calculation of costs (budget) for 2023.

How long does it take?

After submitting the form, you will receive a response from us within 13 weeks.