Grant - Integrated work for a healthy city
The demand for care in the Netherlands is growing, while not adding care staff, informal caregivers and resources. One of the solutions to meet the future demand for care and welfare is to focus more on prevention. The municipality therefore wants all inhabitants of Zoetermeer to be able to live healthy lives. They can participate in society, play sports, have social contacts, a pleasant living environment and access to care and support.
The plan"Integral work on a healthy city' sets out how we want to achieve this. Very important here is the cooperation with other organizations in the fields of care, welfare and culture, among others. They are an indispensable link. We hereby call on them to work with us on a healthy Zoetermeer. So do you see an opportunity? Does your organization have a way to contribute to the goals in our plan 'Integrally working towards a healthy city'? Then you can apply for a subsidy to implement your plan(s).
All information about the subsidy scheme can also be read in the Subsidy Scheme Integrally Working for a Healthy City ( pdf)
How does it work?
Under "apply," fill out the form and submit your project plan along with a budget.
What must the plan meet?
Your plan must contribute to one of the following goals:
- Ensuring a healthy living environment.
- Strengthening (connecting with) residents' social base.
- Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
- Strengthening mental health and/or resilience of residents.
- Promoting healthy and fit aging.
What happens after the grant application is submitted?
After April 30, 2024, we look at how your plan meets the stated goals. We do this with a consideration framework in which we award points. With at least 70 out of 100 points to be obtained, the application may receive a subsidy.
Whether you actually receive a grant depends on the total number of applications we receive and the number of points awarded per application. The applications with the most points will receive a grant until the grant ceiling is reached.
For activities held in 2024
Can you apply for grants through May 19, 2024.
For activities held in 2025
Can you from June 1 to August 31, 2024. By November 30 of this year, we will make a decision on your application. You will receive a letter in December telling you whether or not you will receive the grant.
We can only process your application if your application is received by us on time and complete with all attachments.
Apply for grant integral working towards a healthy city
Enclose with the application:
- Project Plan.
- Budget.
Please have these attachments ready digitally before filling out the form.
Accountability grant
Do you need to account for the grant? If so, please fill out the form below:
Accountability grant integral working toward a healthy city
Check your grant decision to see what information you need to include.
How long will it take?
We will make a decision on your application within 13 weeks after the application deadline closes.
Contact grant agency
The Grants Office can be reached Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to noon by calling the general telephone number 14 079. You can also send an e-mail to