Supervision Wmo and Youth Act

The Social Support Act 2015 (Wmo) requires municipalities to supervise the quality and lawfulness of support. The supervision of the lawfulness of both the Wmo and the Youth Act is performed by supervisors of the municipality of Zoetermeer. Supervision of the quality of the Wmo is the responsibility of the Municipal Health Service (GGD) and supervision of the quality of the Youth Act is the responsibility of the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ).

Oversight of legality

The Wmo and Youth Act supervisors are employed by the municipality of Zoetermeer and work in the Control and Investigation Unit. They supervise the legality of facilities to be provided or provided under the Wmo and Youth Act. This may be care provided by a provider that has a contract with the municipality (Care in Kind). This can also be a provider hired by a client via a personal budget (PGB).

The supervisors check whether care providers, caregivers and clients comply with the agreements made. These agreements are stated in the policy, the regulation and in the decision that is sent to a client. A decision contains the municipality's decision on the care or support to be provided.

Reasons for a supervisory investigation include signals received through the municipality of Zoetermeer (through Fraud, report suspicion), the integral hub for healthcare fraud (IKZ), periodic inspections, etc. The supervisors cooperate with the supervisors of quality and lawfulness in the region.

Monitoring quality

On behalf of the municipality of Zoetermeer, the Haaglanden Municipal Health Service (GGD) provides supervision of the quality of care provided under the Wmo. The GGD supervisors conduct thematic and signal-driven investigations, as well as investigations in response to reports of incidents and calamities. Care providers are obliged to report any calamity and/or violent incident related to a facility to GGD Haaglanden. More information about GGD supervision or reporting an emergency or violence incident can be found on the GGD Haaglanden website.

The Health and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) oversees the quality and safety of youth care. Like the GGD, the IGJ conducts thematic and signal-driven investigations. It is mandatory to report certain incidents (such as a calamity) to the IGJ. More information about the IGJ can be found on the Inspectorate's website.

Disclosure reports

The supervisor of GGD Haaglanden will post reports made after supervisory visits to care providers on the GGD Haaglanden website. This applies to investigations from 1 April 2020. It concerns reports drawn up as a result of signal-driven supervision and thematic supervision. More information and publications can be found on the GGD Haaglanden website. As of February 1, 2019, the IGJ is required to make inspection reports public. More information on disclosure by the Inspectorate can be found on the IGJ website.

Healthcare fraud hotline Zoetermeer

Are you concerned about the provision of care to a resident or a care provider's compliance with the rules? If so, you can report this through the Fraud, Report Suspicion page.