Questions and answers information meetings Delftsewallen

Meeting July 6, 2023

Can the municipality look into additional parking options in the neighborhood, as parking permits are being issued while space is scarce?

Only entitled persons, that is residents and business owners of the Dorpsstraat who do not or cannot have a parking space on their own property, can obtain a blue zone parking waiver. Parking pressure is variable, but there are always free parking spaces available on all days and times of the week, except during events. At night, parking is not a problem. There is no room for construction of additional parking spaces on the Delftsewallen.

Can the bend in the Delftsewallen be modified in traffic terms? Last time, the municipality promised to implement traffic calming measures for this side of Dorpsstraat .

Six years ago, the bend in the road was widened. Further widening is not technically possible because of the bridge. There is a plan to design the intersection Nassaulaan/Julianalaan as a raised intersection platform. This will slow the speed of traffic and improve the safety of pedestrians crossing here.

Meeting with walk-in session Feb. 10, 2022

Who will soon own the land/ground?

The site will be issued in mandeliness or a VVE. The residents will become owners and also responsible for the maintenance of the semi-public area. The land of the semi-public area will not be delivered back to the municipality.

Yes, in consultation with the municipality, the crossing will be publicly accessible and suitable for pedestrians. It will not be a through route for cyclists. Cyclists, scooters, skaters, etc. will be discouraged by the paving and materials used herein.

Are there windows in the end wall of the row house next to Delftsewallen No. 16-17 and will that be changed?

Yes, there are limited windows in the end wall. This takes into account the neighbors.

Will residents soon go through the traffic passage at the property former "Stork Building"?

No, the yard fence is completely closed and there will be no passages in there. The new residents will have their own entrance over their own property.

The drawing shows a shadow, what is it?

The shadow in the drawing indicates that two underground waste containers are penciled in here.

Is consultation on the property boundary possible?

The idea is a green uniform and quality yard fence. If desired, this can be deviated from, depending on the situation.

When does the sale start?

Sales are expected to start probably just before or after the 2022 construction period (week 33).

Does a preliminary survey take place? Where can damage be reported?

Yes. Preliminary surveys will take place as part of the demolition/safety plan, this will be done later in the process.

Is there a point of contact during demolition/construction?

Yes, there will be a point of contact during demolition/construction. Once work has started, name and contact information will be announced. Demolition will take place after approval by the municipality of the demolition notification. The demolition safety plan (part of the demolition notification) describes all conditions that must be met.

Will it be repaved?

There will only be repaving within plan boundaries of the new building.

Yes, there will be a little garden in front of the row houses, in the form of a Delft sidewalk. The distance from the building line to the property line is 1.5 m for the block of 3 row houses and 0.5 m for the block of 4 row houses.

What about the wells/sewers? The current manholes are not functioning.

The developer only conducts discussions with the utility companies about the operation of the current wells but is not responsible for them. The developer is only responsible for the construction of utilities within the plan area, not outside of it.

Will the municipality pay attention to traffic volume and safety, there is very fast driving especially in the curve while it is a 30km zone.

The municipality will coordinate this with City Management (plan reviewer) and request that it be enforced.

What materials will be used in yard fencing within the plan area?

From the developer's perspective, there will be a uniform choice of materials that will provide the yard fences to the public area.

The parking spaces on the escaperoom side are partly on municipal land, will that be kept clear?

This is correct, these are penciled in on municipal land and are kept clear.

Where to go for (more) information and questions?

The Delftsewallen Redevelopment page has all current information. The municipality's general e-mail address is WDevelop will open its own website for the sale of the homes over time.

Meeting Dec. 1, 2021

Is there only access for destination traffic for residents or is this open to everyone?

The area will be issued in mandeliness (land will remain the property of buyers). The purchase deeds will stipulate that buyers may not close the site to pedestrians.

Can anyone, such as shoppers, park there?

No, that is not the intention. The land remains the property of the buyers. A parking standard has been established by the municipality and the number of parking spaces meets the standard. The parking spaces will be sold with the homes. In addition to parking spaces for own use, there will also be parking spaces for visitors to the residents.

Will there be a walking path right through the new housing development?

There will be an informal thoroughfare, open to the public, between Dorpsstraat and Delftsewallen.

How do you guys see it in terms of security if everyone is allowed to go there?

Like other residential yards, you are a guest in the yard. Safety is partly ensured by the usual social control.

Why wasn't the white house placed right behind the white houses instead of behind the dark barns?

The placement and color scheme of the white block of houses stem from the architectural and urban design concept and are in keeping with the stroke landscape from the Dorpsstraat. The pilot houses located on the waterfront refer to the history of the area.

In terms of architectural style, I think the pilot houses are less connected, is this already established?

The architecture of the plan focuses on its own location and its history. The pilot houses refer to the former industrial function with its waterfront location. The plan has received approval from the CRK (Committee for Spatial Quality). This determined many starting points. The color scheme of the two sheds on the water will be looked at more closely in the further elaboration.

Have the parking lots moved up to the escape room site?

Parking (among other things) takes place on the side of the escape room. The parking spaces here are (almost) against the yard of the escape room.

What will be the ridge height of the homes?

The ridge height of the row houses is about 11 meters.
The ridge height of the barn houses is about 8 meters.
The ridge height of the shed houses is about 8 meters.
The ridge height of the gas fitters' house is about 8 meters. 

The 3 houses next to #17 are facing forward, making them very close to the 2 existing houses, eliminating the side view of #17. Is there anything that can be done about this?

In the previous plan, there was 1 semi-detached house at this location. That was the same distance from the house of number 17, so that is unchanged. There is about 3.50 meters between the facade of number 17 and the new house. For an optimal connection to the urban fabric, the siting of the houses was determined in consultation with the municipality. The entrance to the woonerf is, by the way, at the request of the past, no longer situated directly next to number 17.

Is the architecture in keeping with the new development on Leidsewallen?

The architecture of the plan focuses on its own location and its history. The architectural style of the new buildings on Leidsewallen has not been taken into account, at least not consciously.

Is there any chance that the building permit will not be issued?

The outline of the plan has been extensively pre-discussed with the municipality and this has been approved by the welfare and the Spatial Quality Commission. The follow-up procedure consists of two parts: a spatial procedure for the deviation from the zoning plan and a procedure for the building activity. Both procedures will be published in the local newspaper, after which you can view the plans and submit your views. The processing of the views is done by the municipality. If an opinion is declared founded, there is a possibility that the plan will have to be modified.

Is the business continuity of the development of the plan sufficiently assured?

For this project, we are entering into a construction team partnership with Niersman Bouw, which is a well-established contractor from Voorschoten that recently also has an office in the Haaglanden region.

Will there be preliminary surveys of the surrounding homes?

Yes, those are done as part of the building safety plan. This is not done until later in the process. Then all the surrounding homes are inventoried. If it turns out that there is damage from the construction activities, then this will be handled further with the insurance company.

Is there another live meeting scheduled?

Given the progress, no follow-up meeting has been scheduled. However, we realize that this method of communication is not optimal and can imagine that there are still questions from the neighborhood. You can contact the developer or the municipality for these.