Neighborhood Agents Buytenwegh De Leyens
For reports and information on public order and safety
Who are your neighborhood officers?
- Gijsbert Verhoeff
- Jamie van Kranen
The Leyens
- Rob Doorneveld
Via telephone number 0900-8844 or via | Contact.
Neighborhood Agents Buytenwegh:
Every Wednesday from 2 to 3 p.m. at Teldersrode 25 (Reakt/Piëzo building). No appointment is necessary.
District agent De Leyens:
Every Wednesday from 2 to 3 p.m. at Gondelkade 33 (Vidomes building). It is not necessary to make an appointment.
You cannot report a crime to the neighborhood police officers. For this you can go to the police station at Wegstapelplein. By appointment only at or 0900-8844.
You can also report a number of crimes online. For further explanation, visit the police website.
Neighborhood and Agent Together (WAS)
The neighborhood policemen participate in the project Wijk en Agent Samen, or WAS Buytenwegh and WAS-De Leyens. WAS is an initiative of Police Haaglanden and the residents of Buytenwegh and De Leyens to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood together.