District Team Meerzicht

The neighborhood team works on the quality of the residential and living environment. The neighborhood team consists of representatives from the municipality, housing associations, police, voluntary organizations and welfare agencies.


During the consultation hour, several professionals from the Meerzicht neighborhood are present. The district police officer, the district enforcer and also a professional from the Hotline Bezorgd. You can talk about safety, liveability but also discuss your concerns about someone who needs help. The district director of Meerzicht is also present. You can contact the district director with questions, ideas or if you want to help make your neighborhood better, more fun and more beautiful.

On the date below you can visit the consultation hour from 13:00 to 14:30 at Fonteinbos 1b. An appointment is not necessary.

  • Monday, Jan. 27, 2025
  • Monday, Feb. 24, 2025
  • Monday, March 24, 2025
  • Monday, April 21, 2025

Marjanne van Reek

District director

You can contact the neighborhood director with questions, suggestions and ideas about the Meerzicht neighborhood, for example about livability, safety and all other matters related to the quality of the living environment.

Contact: via the contact form or by phone at 14 079.

Jacqueline Pronk

District Support Officer

Jacqueline supports the district director's work in the district.

Yvonne van Wingerde

Area manager

The area manager connects (social) developments in public space for Meerzicht. Residents can contact the area manager for questions, suggestions and ideas about public space.

Contact: phone 14 079

Ineke Verhulst

Meerpunt Drop-in point

Any parent or educator can contact Meerpunt with any questions about parenting, growing up and parenthood. You can also contact Meerpunt for questions about relationship problems, separation or divorce.

Contact: phone: 079-331 0325 and e-mail: meerpunt@zoetermeer.nl.

Nathalie Frauenfelder

Social broker on behalf of Palet Welfare/InZet

The social broker helps people find a good daytime activity or volunteer work. The social broker is present every Tuesday at the Albrandswaard location.

Contact: phone 06-28739296 and/or e-mail: n.frauenfelder@inzet-indewijk.nl.

Available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


General phone number: 079-888 7770
Website: www.inZet-indewijk.nl

Natalia Sadinska

Social-cultural worker at Piëzo (inZet)

Participating and being active in your own neighborhood, social contact, development; important elements for a beautiful and meaningful life. Piëzo helps you to connect with your abilities and your talents, so that you can actively participate and further develop yourself (who knows, even as a volunteer).

Contact: phone 06-46863212 and e-mail natalia@stichtingpiezo.nl

Kersten Goose

Neighborhood liaison from Gro-Up Neighborhood Work.

The neighborhood liaison supports residents (groups) and volunteers in the area of mutual cooperation and implementation of projects. To make the neighborhoods more fun, cozier and cleaner while improving the mutual encounters. Do you have a good idea for the neighborhood? Then contact the neighborhood liaison!

Contact: phone: 06-57989905 and e-mail: kersten.gans@gro-up.nl.

Yolanda Snellaars and Esther Argentini


Wijck contributes to social connection in the neighborhood, through the use of art & culture. District residents, district partners, the social domain and cultural institutions work together in this platform. Yolanda is program director for culture in the district, Carla is involved as culture coach in Meerzicht.

Contact: e-mail yolanda@wijck-zoetermeer.nl and/or esther@wijck-zoetermeer.nl.

Deborah van der Bol

Ambulatory care provider Impegno Zoetermeer

Impegno offers temporary care to people and families with mental health problems, who have reduced self-reliance and are therefore in danger of dropping out. You can register for a program through the Impegno website. To get started, you need a referral letter from your general practitioner.

Contact: sign up at www.impegno.nl.

Gabrielle Bosman

Combination Sports Officer

The Combination Officer Sports focuses on the exercise offerings in the neighborhood and helps residents with their questions about sports and exercise.

Contact: phone 14 079 or through the contact form

Suzanne Blok and Hortance Linger

Kwadraad neighborhood coach

The district coach is the first point of contact for reporting concerns about people who are unable to take the step of contacting social services themselves. The district coach makes home visits or arranges to meet somewhere else in order to address the problems together or to be able to refer to appropriate assistance.


Hortance Linger: phone 06-34594422 and e-mail h.linger@kwadraad.nl (Monday, Tuesday and Friday).

Suzanne Blok: phone 06-11882048 and e-mail s.blok@kwadraad.nl.

Miranda Löbker

Practice nurse SGZ

The practice nurse works from the general practice in Meerzicht. In close cooperation with the general practitioner, the practice nurse has a directive function in guiding and supporting especially vulnerable elderly people in dealing with (the consequences of) their conditions and limitations.

Contact: email m.lobker@sgzoetermeer.nl

Middin, location Haagsebos

Living for people with disabilities
Part of Middin
Haagsebos 20
2715 XN Zoetermeer
Phone: 079-3239748
Website: wwww.middin.nl | Haagsebos


The MEE employees in Zoetermeer fall under the partnership inZet. inZet can be found in 6 districts of Zoetermeer.

  • inZet offers one central point of entry for every help, development or support question. So you don't have to first figure out where to go with your questions.
  • inZet staff think and work with you to find customized solutions, counseling or activities that are appropriate for you and/or your family.
  • inZet works with professionals, experts by experience and volunteers from every conceivable field of care and welfare. This way you can get and find the support and solutions you need faster and easier.
  • If you need additional care or specialized assistance, inZet provides referrals or collaboration with help or caregivers in its network.

Contact: phone 079-888 7770 | e-mail: info@inZet-indewijk.nl | website: inzet-indewijk.nl

Sandy van Koert

Area consultant Vidomes

The area consultant deals with livability in Vidomes' complexes and in the immediate living environment.

Contact: telephone 088-845 6600 (customer contact center) and via e-mail: gc@vidomes.nl.

Neighborhood officers Meerzicht

You can contact the neighborhood police officers for reports and information about public order and safety. You cannot report criminal offenses to community police officers. Please contact the police station at Wegstapelplein.

More on the neighborhood officers in Meerzicht


Enforcement officers monitor the neighborhood for both safety and pollution. For example, attention is paid to nuisances caused by dogs, improperly parked vehicles and control of issued permits.

More about enforcement in Zoetermeer

District Councilor

Véronique Frinking

District Councilman Meerzicht