Oosterheem Neighborhood Team

The neighborhood team works on the quality of the residential and living environment. The neighborhood team consists of representatives from the municipality, housing associations, police, voluntary organizations and welfare agencies.

Caroline Keijzer

District director

You can contact the neighborhood director with questions, suggestions and ideas about the Oosterheem neighborhood, for example about livability, safety and further all matters related to the quality of the residential and living environment.

Contact: oosterheem@zoetermeer.nl or by phone at 14 079

Jacqueline Pronk

District Support Officer

Jacqueline supports the district director of Oosterheem in working in the district.

Ben Tichem

Area manager

The area manager connects (social) developments in public space for Oosterheem. Residents can contact the area manager with questions, suggestions and ideas about public space.

Contact: phone 14 079

Debby Fish

Project manager/contract manager

The project manager is responsible for all maintenance for the Oosterheem neighborhood.

Contact: phone 14 079

Inge van Oosten

Area consultant Vidomes

The area consultant deals with livability in Vidomes' complexes and in the immediate living environment.

Contact: phone 088-845 6600 and e-mail gc@vidomes.nl

Amine Marhoub

Employee Social Management Stedelink

Stedelink's social management employee identifies social problems that arise and discusses them with the individuals concerned. In addition, the employee ensures that rules of conduct and regulations from the rental contract are observed. Furthermore, the employee social management, together with network partners, is concerned with livability in the housing and the immediate surroundings.


Address: Bijdorplaan 12, 2713 RR Zoetermeer
Postal address: P.O. Box 845, 2700 AV Zoetermeer
Telephone: 088-3087070
E-mail: klantenservice@stedelink.nl
Website: www.stedelink.nl

Vera Bogers

Neighborhood Liaison from Gro-up Neighborhood Work.

The community liaison creates new connections in the neighborhood between residents and between residents, parties and organizations. The community liaison also supports residents (groups) in setting up new projects to make the neighborhood more social, fun, clean or safe. Do you have a good idea for the neighborhood? Then contact the community liaison officer! Vera works from Monday to Wednesday.

Contact: phone 06-57061394 and e-mail vera.bogers@gro-up.nl



Any parent or educator can contact Meerpunt with any questions about parenting, growing up and parenthood. You can also contact Meerpunt for questions about relationship problems, separation or divorce.

Contact: phone 079-331 0325, WhatsApp 06-25707731 and e-mail: meerpunt@zoetermeer.nl

Jordy van Ast

Combination Sports Officer

The Combination Officer Sports focuses on the exercise offerings in the neighborhood and helps residents with their questions about sports and exercise.

Contact: phone 14 079 or through the contact form

Sharon Blanken

Kwadraad neighborhood coach

The district coach is the first point of contact for reporting concerns about people who are unable to take the step of contacting social services themselves. The district coach makes home visits or arranges to meet somewhere else in order to address the problems together or to be able to refer to appropriate assistance.

Contact: phone 06-38728105 or 088-900 4000 and e-mail s.blanken@kwadraad.nl

Harrie Kruif

People in Minima Foundation

Foundation People in Minima (MiM) helps with practical problems in areas such as finances, benefits, allowances, filling out forms, payment arrangements, writing letters and with many other issues related to money or communication with institutions.

More information: www.stichtingmim.nl
Contact: email harrie@stichtingmim.nl

Samira Elmahi

Wmo customization

Wmo Maatwerk specializes in supporting people who have lost control of their own lives due to various circumstances. We offer support in different ways: individually and/or in groups in the form of daytime activities.

Contact: email s.elmahi@inzet-indewijk.nl and phone 06-28190366

Miranda Löbker

Practice nurse in elder care

The practice nurse works from the general practice in Oosterheem. In close cooperation with the general practitioner, the practice nurse has a directive function in guiding and supporting especially vulnerable elderly people in dealing with (the consequences of) their conditions and limitations.

Contact: email m.lobker@eerstelijnszorgzoetermeer.nl and s.voostrum@eerstelijnszorgzoetermeer.nl

Wicorel Koning

Informal care coordinator inZet

The family care coordinator is there for anyone with questions around caring for someone who is (long-term) ill or disabled.

Contact: email w.koning@inzet-indewijk.nl and phone 088-023 4223

Veronique Eggink

Elderly advisor at InZet

InZet's senior advisor is there for all seniors living independently and their loved ones. You can contact the elder advisor for questions, support or advice in the areas of housing, care, welfare, transportation, administration and finances. 

Veronique has walk-in hours every Thursday from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at inZet, Zanzibarplein 5.

Contact: phone 06-52573485 and e-mail v.eggink@inzet-indewijk.nl.

Liza Soffner

Social broker InZet

The social broker helps people find a good daytime activity or volunteer work.

Address: Zanzibarplein 5. Contact: e-mail: info@inzet-indewijk.nl, phone 079-888 7770.

Hedy Schoop

Prevention nurse Vierstroom

The prevention nurse supports area residents with the goal of making a positive contribution to daily life in the way that suits them.

Contact: phone 06-46361284 and e-mail h.schoop@vierstroomzorgthuis.nl

Pioneer Platform Center and Oosterkerk

Meet Perron Oosterheem. An activity center for young and old in Oosterheem! Every week we organize all kinds of activities and connect people; from fun and entertaining to in-depth and inspiring gatherings.

Contact: phone 06-13984223 and e-mail pionier.oosterheem@gmail.com

Esther Argentini

Cultural worker at Wijck

Wijck contributes to social connection in the neighborhood through the use of art & culture. District residents, district partners, the social domain and cultural institutions work together in this platform.

Contact: phone 079-3161 470 and e-mail esther@wijck-zoetermeer.nl

District agents Oosterheem

You can contact the neighborhood police officers for reports and information about public order and safety. You cannot report criminal offenses to community police officers. Please contact the police station at Wegstapelplein.

More on the neighborhood cops in Oosterheem


Enforcement officers monitor the neighborhood for both safety and pollution. For example, attention is paid to dog nuisance, improperly parked vehicles and compliance with issued permits.

More about enforcement in Zoetermeer

District Councilor

Véronique Frinking

District councilor Oosterheem

The neighborhood team also includes representatives from corporations Stedelink and De Goede Woning, Stichting georganiseerde eerstelijns zorg Zoetermeer (practical nurses), the youth work of Buurtwerk, Werken Sterkt and Middin.

Contact information for these parties can be found on their own websites, or via www.zoetermeerwijzer.nl | Organizations.