Rokkeveen Neighborhood Team
The neighborhood team works on the livability and safety of the residential and living environment. The neighborhood team consists of representatives from the municipality, housing associations, police, voluntary organizations and welfare institutions.
Neighborhood director and neighborhood supporter
Serpil Guzelmansur and Danique Turpijn
You can contact the neighborhood director with questions, suggestions and ideas about Rokkeveen, for example about livability, safety and all other matters related to the living environment.
Contact: via the contact form or by phone at 14 079
Contacts by subject
See below who else you can turn to.
The neighborhood team also includes representatives from corporations Stedelink and De Goede Woning, Palet Welzijn, Stichting georganiseerde eerstelijns zorg Zoetermeer (practice nurses), the youth work of Buurtwerk, Werken Sterkt and Middin.
Contact information for these parties can be found on their own websites, or via | Organizations.