Rokkeveen Neighborhood Team

The neighborhood team works on the livability and safety of the residential and living environment. The neighborhood team consists of representatives from the municipality, housing associations, police, voluntary organizations and welfare institutions.

Neighborhood director and neighborhood supporter

Serpil Guzelmansur and Danique Turpijn

You can contact the neighborhood director with questions, suggestions and ideas about Rokkeveen, for example about livability, safety and all other matters related to the living environment.

Contact: via the contact form or by phone at 14 079

Contacts by subject

See below who else you can turn to.


Neighborhood Liaison from Gro-up Neighborhood Work.

The community liaison creates new connections in the neighborhood between residents and between residents, parties and organizations. The community liaison also supports residents (groups) in setting up new projects to make the neighborhood more social, fun, clean or safe. Do you have a good idea for the neighborhood? Then contact the community liaison officer!

Jacqueline Gravesteijn | Phone 06-82083172 and e-mail

Youth workers from Gro-up Neighborhood Work

Gro-up Buurtwerk's youth workers support and guide young people in their personal and social development towards adulthood. Input for activities is always welcome and everything is always negotiable. If you have an idea or a (personal) question, please contact us.

Geert van Rijn and Fabiënne Boers | E-mail:

Neighborhood sports coach

The Neighborhood Sports Coach organizes, coordinates and provides support to schools and sports clubs.

Jordy van Ast | Phone: 14 079 or via contact form

Care and support

Elderly advisor at inZet

The elderly advisor of inZet is there for seniors living independently and their loved ones. You can contact the senior advisor for questions, support or advice in the areas of housing, care, welfare, transportation, administration and finances.

Gabrielle Verhaegen | Phone: 088-023 4212 | E-mail:


Any parent or educator can contact Meerpunt with any questions about parenting, growing up and parenthood. You can also contact Meerpunt for questions about relationship problems, separation or divorce.

Susanne | Phone: 079-331 0325 | WhatsApp 06-25707731 | E-mail:

Family care coordinator at Palet Welfare

The family care coordinator is there for anyone with questions around caring for someone who is (long-term) ill or disabled.

Robin de Prie | E-mail:

Neighborhood coach and employee Hotline Bezorgd at Kwadraad

Are you concerned about someone in your neighborhood? You can report this anonymously to Hotline Bezorgd. Or are you having problems of your own and don't know where to turn? The district coach will make a home visit or meet you somewhere else to tackle the problems together or to refer you to the right assistance.

Yasmine van Delden | Phone: 06-40573332 | Email:

Volunteer coordinator MEE

Maria van den Akker | Phone: 06-10646765 | E-mail:

District nurse VierstroomZorgthuis team Rokkeveen water tower

Health Center The Water Tower provides appropriate care for clients at home. For questions about nursing and home care, please contact.

Suzan de Gelder | E-mail: | Phone: 06-46361214

District nurse VierstroomZorgthuis team Rokkeveen-Oost

Dieneke Bakker | E-mail: | Phone: 06-29017939

Primary care nurse

Petra works from the general practices De Watertoren and Rokkeveen-Oost. From these practices, she makes home visits to vulnerable people aged 75 and older who have questions or experience bottlenecks in the area of health and well-being.

Petra van Schayik | Phone: 06-51646005 | E-mail:

Coordinating supervisor of the Lorna Wing home of the Middin Foundation.

The Lorna Wing House is a (phase) training home for young people with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities.

Melissa van der Helm | E-mail: or

Meeting Center Carpe Diem

The Carpe Diem Meeting Center on the Susanne corridor offers psychosocial support to people with dementia and their loved ones.

Sonja Konings | Phone: 079-888 6997 | E-mail:


Rokkeveen neighborhood officers

You can contact the neighborhood police officers for reports and information about public order and safety. You cannot report criminal offenses to community police officers. Please contact the police station at Wegstapelplein.

More about the neighborhood cops in Rokkeveen


Enforcement officers monitor the neighborhood for both safety and pollution. For example, attention is paid to dog nuisance, improperly parked vehicles and compliance with issued permits.

More about enforcement in Zoetermeer


Area manager

Do you have questions or ideas for the public area in your neighborhood? If so, please contact the area manager.

Ben Tichem | Phone: 14 079

Supervisor Rokkeveen

The supervisor is responsible for the daily management and maintenance of public space in the Rokkeveen neighborhood and is the point of contact for residents with questions about it.

Bas Stam | Phone: 14 079

Project manager/contract manager

The project manager is responsible for ongoing maintenance projects in Rokkeveen.

Debby Vis | Phone: 14 079

District councilor Rokkeveen

Marijke van der Meer

District Councilwoman Marijke van der Meer

More on the board of mayor and aldermen

The neighborhood team also includes representatives from corporations Stedelink and De Goede Woning, Palet Welzijn, Stichting georganiseerde eerstelijns zorg Zoetermeer (practice nurses), the youth work of Buurtwerk, Werken Sterkt and Middin.

Contact information for these parties can be found on their own websites, or via | Organizations.